TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

That is probably a you issue. I take off before the animation even finishes. no issues.

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just be happy that they removed the rep requirements for it like others have said a few days tops unless timegate the zones happen but this is tame compared to others path finders that was released


People will disagree but I feel that dragon riding is the superior flight option so that one should have been locked behind pathfinder and normal flying from the start. Locking normal flying or any flying at this point just seems petty.


If you can play WoW you can use Dynamic Flight, sorry but its true… its pressing 1-2 buttons, or binding them to your mouse or a controller

The only thing you’d have an issue from is motion blur in which case… just dont go max speed


That’s already a thing right now. Druids have to “land” to gather herbs, and mining pops you out of form entirely, even if you have the “gather while mounted” skill.

Bots hack the map, flight means nothing to botters.

Hazzikostas recognizes in one breath that TBC flying is an accessibility matter, then in the next, singles it out to lock it behind another Pathfinder.

And makes a new dungeon that requires a lot of Dynamicdragonskyriding™.

I would love to hear the explanation for it, because otherwise, it sounds like he’s admitting he is knowingly targeting people who need accessibility. I could have sworn Blizzard was big on inclusivity and transparency these days, so surely it couldn’t be that.


I disagree only because the zones are massive. Leveling without Skyriding would be truly tedious. Neither should be locked, it’s 2024. Blizzard’s hatred of TBC Flying is just at a new level of stupid.


Wat?! Are you saying Blizzard is spiteful and petty?!


So…precisely what everyone was saying…


The things people get their knickers in a wad over man…


I ran into this a lot when the expansion first came out.

Haven’t had it happen once all year. Pretty sure this is fixed (or mostly fixed) now.

It’s a lot of things, but that’s not one of them. Maybe check that ToS you agreed with for access to the servers.


Ion still upset about WoD.


Because TBC styled flying promotes a severe disconnection to the rest of the world and players, as well as makes everywhere in the entire world a spot to AFK which in turn has other negative effects that perpetuate the first two I mentioned.

Just because there’s a good reason to not allow TBC flying that you don’t like doesn’t mean the reason isn’t there. Why the hell do you think they have tried to limit or outright remove flying ever since TBC? They saw what happened to the game in TBC and how it got progressively worse and worse with each expansion.

You disliking and never taking a second thought as to why they have tried to remove flying is not a reasonable stance to take. Regardless though…

It isn’t discrimination against anyone; if it was mandatory to use Dragonriding/Skyriding to unlock TBC flying (not normal flying, DR/SR is the normal kind of flying moving forward) then you’d might have the beginnings of an argument for it being discrimination. As it stands, no it isn’t discrimination.


There are other accessibility issues players have that go beyond skyriding. Are you championing them all? Because we probably wouldn’t have any dungeons at all, or extensive mechanics, if they were designing for the greatest of accessibility concerns.


This is false. It’s people making stuff up.

Blizzard specifically explained dragonriding right from the start as more immersive in the content and environment. That’s why it’s like this.

Normal flying is hovering, turning on a dime, landing specifically, etc. It trivializes to them. This does not.

This is their view. This is their reasoning. If you go back and read interviews, this is what they explained ages ago.

It’s not druids, it’s not spite, nothing. This is the immersion into the content.

Before, it was immersion on the ground. Now, it’s immersion with dynamic flying.

Those complaining want the easier method. They just answered their own question right there: it’s easier. It’s not immersive to Blizz.

That’s all there is to it.

Correct, which is something you will do during level up. You will have TBC flying within the first week of the expansion.


No. No it’s not. It is, arguably, one of the easier pathfinders to get.


ion just can’t stop, being ion…

hoping MS gets involved.


To do what?

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remove painfinder…


MS isn’t going to get involved in something this trivial.

I’m disabled. I have no issues with this.

Do we know if ride along is still a thing?