TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Dude, it’s super easy. It’s the leveling campaign. Not a big deal at all.


I don’t think they care. WoW is apparently played by 80 yr old 1 armed 1 eyed arthritic casuals that can only play 30 minutes a week and Blizzard is discriminating against them



What are blizzard if not petty?


Ibuki didn’t attack anyone. Calm down.

Ibuki pointed out their circumstances. Their personal ones. In a separate paragraph. That’s not an attack. You literally quoted them out of context and disregarded everything before that, where it was specifically stated that it’s ground mount friendly now. Which is why the comment of “they aren’t discriminating” was made.

And this is a video game. Do you all flip out when you can’t play another game because it didn’t cater to your specific needs? A video game can’t cater to everyone. And they’ve bent over backwards to accommodate as much of the common issues as possible.

If anyone is attacking here, it’s you going after others.

Do you even have anyone left that’s not on ignore? That’s basically all you do every single thread.


This is exactly what most people expected based on what Ion said at Blizzcon about it all. I don’t think anyone ever said it would be a “small” campaign.

“The campaign” is the entire leveling campaign; of course there will be separate “campaigns” in each zone. How is this unexpected? Each zone always has it’s own “campaign” these days.

I agree with you that static flight should not be gated at all, but really, it just looks like you’re backing this assertion up with semantics, instead of focusing on what really matters. What really matters is that if Skyriding isn’t gated, Static Flight shouldn’t be either.


It was “catering” just fine with the original method of flying.

They have acknowledged that there are enough players affected by the mechanics of (insert whatever they choose to call their GW2 knockoff next) that TBC flying is an accessibility feature.

But then they decided to lock that, and only that, behind an “achievement”.

That’s not bending over backwards.

This is a video game, good work there! So, we are speaking about basic transportation in a video game.

You will get what I will assume is your preferred method of flying immediately, without question. So why are you so bothered if people who need accessibility are asking to get the original flying–which never gave them trouble–immediately as well?

Because bots don’t care about flying.

Because you, too, can park your Dynamicdragonskyriding™ mount in places not accessible from the ground and go take that bio.

Because you, too, are skipping a lot of ~muh immersions~ by not RP walking from Waking Shore to Valdrakken, fighting every mob along the way.

No one in this thread who have issues are with you using Dynamicdragonskyriding™ . We don’t want to take away your shiny new toy. So why are you so determined to take ours, when it doesn’t affect how you play the game at all?

Do you need to cause people real-life physical distress for your weird “muh flying skills” flex? Because there are riding races for that.


And you get it even quicker now than you did before.

No, it’s always been locked. They didn’t decide to do it just because “accessibility.”

War Within is ground mount friendly. We get static flying as soon as you hit 80 and finish that leveling campaign.

It’s because Blizzard wants people immersed in the main campaign.

The sheer amount of accessibility features absolutely is— and there may be more.

Of which there are many. Ground mounts, flight paths, passenger mode on dynamic flying with friends.

No one is bothered by it. This is called “stating logic and facts,” not some emotional response.

Blizzard has described dynamic flying as more immersive and engaging with the content and environment. You cannot turn on a dime, you cannot land precisely, you cannot hover where there is nothing, etc. You must actually choose your actions based on your desired outcome. That’s how they see it.

Prior to this, you were engaged on the ground. Now you’re engaged either on the ground or with dynamic flying. You get static flying as soon as you finish that leveling campaign— the one they want you immersed in the way they want you immersed. Not how you want. Not how I want. How they want.

Oh please. :roll_eyes: No one is taking anything from you. My god the drama is astounding. I have my own disorders and disabilities that kept me from being able to use dynamic flying— and still do, depending on the day with my hands. I’m not going to act like some martyr or pitiful, desperate person when there are options that I can use on the days I can’t engage with dragonriding.

Thanks for now reminding me to add you to ignore, because this wasn’t worth a conversation with the sheer amount of ridiculous drama you just made up. Have a better day.


That right there made me laugh like crazy because that is how bad some have made themselves out to be in hopes to make a impression that they are that bad off and need a change in how flight is being presented right now in TWW.

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Liolang and people like her are insufferable and make every disagreement into some kind of -ism or -ist.

People don’t like dealing with people like that and to be blunt they make games terrible. If we agree on anything they just go to the next thing to be angry about.


Not sure why you decided to quote me for this post.

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You’re asking why people are arguing with you. The answer is that you’re making yourself into a heel personality.

I’m using Liolang as a more extreme example.

Ah, yes. Every player I’ve seen posting in favor of an even playing field–a.k.a, with both types of flying available at the start, no random achievement needed–has stated they or loved ones have accessibility issues.

You post a a witty violin.

I mean this in a very caring way: Level up at life.


You’re an insufferable [expletive] that thinks it’s justified because you’re fighting for the downtrodden if they exist or not.

When really you’re just an insufferable [expletive].

Could someone please provide a link to this acknowledgement?

This is a video game, my guy. You don’t need to lay on the drama.

My honest opinion is that if dragonriding/dynamic flight causes you inconceivable amounts of physical distress, then you probably shouldn’t be playing WoW considering the game’s base combat systems and mechanics are infinitely more challenging than having to slightly aim downward and press space while flying.


I want to play the game without the headaches I otherwise never have with TBC flying. But by all means, pop off. You lost me at the witty violin anyway.

BlizzCon | The War Within: Deep Dive Panel | World of Warcraft
(TWW Pathfinder: Whats the Point?)

“We also understand there are some folks for accessibility reasons”

This has been a known thing since it’s been introduced.

My guy, this is, in fact, a video game, and there is a very simple solution to the problem. Hint: It’s not the tired old chestnut “play another game”.


Isn’t that the truth, what freaking danger my healer just runs through mobs when I can’t fly or anything and just keeps running. If I don’t want to attack if I want to get from point a to point b, there is no danger of dying.


I prefer dragon riding (or whatever) over the old style anyways. Though it will be nice to use regular flying in the new zones when I unlock it, the zones are so huge it would take way longer to get anywhere using it.


You know where you lost me.

I never suggested to play another game. My point is that if dragonriding gives you a hard time, playing WoW in and of itself must be absolute hell because dragonriding is far from the most physically difficult/demanding thing about this game.

More to the point, I’m not saying they shouldn’t add regular flying. If they chose to release it in tandem with dynamic flying, I wouldn’t care. What I hate are people who use physical ailments/disabilities as a shield for their opinions/arguments. Dynamic flying is not any more physically demanding than having to press dozens of keybinds while moving. It’s a greatly exaggerated issue, so stop acting like it is one.

It is perfectly valid to say “I think pathfinder is dumb and should not be used as a way to gatekeep features of the game” without having to elaborate or justify that.

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It’s the reason people have been asking for TBC flying to be released in the same manner as the Dynamicdragonskyriding™, so not sure why you would you call it a “shield”. A shield from what, exactly? People who call it “virtue signaling”? People who accuse them of lying about their situation? People with witty emotes? That’s a gray quality shield from your starting zone of choice, if so.

Will you be addressing those posters as well, or is it just the ones who are explaining why they need the accessibility–er, the ones using a “shield”, that merit your attention?

I do fine with the rest of my gameplay, but I appreciate the concern.