TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Actually subscriptions easily generate the majority of their revenue.

Remember that even if you’re playing the various versions of Classic, which have limited cash shop options (and character services are hardly in demand as they used to be), you’re still paying $15 a month.

Now, let’s do some very basic math. $15 a month x 12 months in a year means you’re spending $180 a year. Now, times that number by the most accurate data we have for subscriber numbers right now (7.4 million, worked out by Bellular and confirmed by other insiders) and that means each year Blizzard is generating $1.3 billion a year from subscriptions alone.

That’s far more than what the cash shop brings in for Blizzard.

Now obviously there’s some wiggle room there. Some people may not stay subscribed for a year. Others may be using WoW tokens (which means Blizzard is generating a bit more revenue as someone still has to buy the token and that costs more than a subscription), and then there are players who may be using the subscription deals which give large chunks of game time for a slight reduction on how much they’d pay month to month.

But no matter how you slice it, subscriptions are generating the majority of Blizzard’s revenue for WoW.

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Blazing Epic Upgrade pack disagrees. That alone is over 6 months of subscription, from a single purchase.

I see people using these shop mounts, toys, and hearthstone effects all over the place is cata classic. In our guild alone the average spending for the start of cata for the purpose of transfers was like 300-400 dollars for all of the character transfers, faction changes, boosts. Some people were more, some were less.

I dont think they’ve been around for WoD either…


There’s some wiggle room, as I said above, but the vast majority of people aren’t buying those packs. Those are smaller, niche purchases. They’ll generate some revenue, but subscriptions will still generate the majority.


Subscriptions are the minimal baseline. You underestimate the impact of whaling on these business models.

They have to announce everything else. At least leaving is noteworthy at this point :joy:

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Whales are niches and WoW doesn’t really draw them in as much as you’d think.

Again, I showed you the basic math. Over $1.3 billion a year from subscriptions alone. That’s not something cash shop revenue is going to catch up to.

Maybe if WoW had around between 1 to 3 million subscribers, then the cash shop would catch up. But with 7.4 million? That ain’t happening.


Yea… this isn’t a gotcha game.
Perks of a sub is low whale count, because the game doesn’t need a shop to survive.

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Yeah you do the entire campaign and you have it. It takes almost no time at all to get done.

Wrong just coz it doesn’t affect your disability doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect EVERY SINGLE PERSON disability. I happen to be born with eye issues in fact legally I can be classified as legally blind. I can’t focus of very fast moving objects at all thus I don’t drive. Skyriding fits the issue I have perfectlly, it forces you you look at something that’s moving very quickly and is not somelthing I can do. Regular flying I have no zero issue with.

So don’t assume just coz you are find with others should be too.

Can’t get around generic eye issue like me.


No but you can rebind to make it easier to handle and you also dont need to fly at mach 10.

Or make it so both form if flaying is available at the start of the expansion. But force players to do something they hate especially when is in the game already.

You have no idea how much I hated DF before regular flying was available. I literally skip all outdoor content coz I hate dragon riding so much and blizzard refusal to just regular flying be available.


Eh thats a bit of an overreaction. Flight paths and ground mounts exist.
After SL, I’m completely immune to being grounded though. Running your 50th toon through the maw will do that to a person though.

I just straight up quit SL. At first not even ground mounts in the maw, torghast, the nested WQs…tedium in SL was ramped up 1000% and it sucked so much it made me quit.

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I whole-heartedly agree with you. I think Skyriding is great for long distances, but for short ones, I can hardly cope. I am elderly, have an astigmatism and am unable to make adjust my vision from far to close and vis-a-versa. When making a short hop, I end up giving up and do a faceplant, hoping I land within walking distance of where I wanted to be. I am totally screwed if I need to land on a tree branch.


And that is the issue, why should an option that some people NEED be gated? You wouldn’t gate colorblind tools, so why steady flight? I love dragon riding/racing but wouldn’t be able to do it without the removal of all the motion effects, so I feel for people that can’t do it even after they have toggled everything off.


You’ve missed my point But it’s nice to see you know how people feel about regular flying vs dragonflapping.



See this is what I don’t get. TBC flying apparently took immersion out of the game but dragonriding doesn’t?
I’m beginning to believe what I’ve seen some on here say about Ion.
Why should a minority of people that play the game have something they are comfortable with, have it gated behind Pathfinder? Even though pathfinder may be an easy achievement, it makes the journey for those players pretty much unbearable.
If dynamic flight is available initially, static flight should also be.


TBC flying took no immersion out of the game…what it did take was for some classes couldn’t gank another flagged players that were in the air…which for me I had no issue taking out a flying flagged horde player in the air…done it many a time back in the day…being a engi with glider on my cloak…and what you heard about Ion is how many see him.

The biggest argument about flying in WoW was that is allowed flagged players to get away. I have a feeling that some Dev got owned or whatever and is still mad about a player that escaped from them…who knows…