TWW Outdoor Public Events?

Anyone knows if TWW will continue with public events? i.e Soup, hunts, superbloom, time rifts etc. Really hope they don’t abandon this due to the focus on delves. With its known problems aside, the good aspect is they make the outdoor world feels more alive.

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I hope they scale back on them a bit if they are continuing them. I don’t think there’s been any talk of them, so as of right now I’d write them off as not coming back, until told otherwise.

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They can as long as they actually keep them relevant, and get the tech in place to have them scale so if you happen to be on at an odd hour you aren’t screwed on completing them. This current Dev team hopefully has learned that big grand scale events only work if there are enough players, so hopefully they don’t become as big of a focus.

I hope not.

Playing wow according to a schedule isnt my idea of fun.
(Most of the events themselves were fine though)


Would rather them bring back invasions, and assaults like we had in Legion, and BFA with a neat little scenario at the end. Too much phasing, shards, etc in DF ruined most of the events in this expansion imo.

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Ooh! I like this! I loved the BfA Faction Assaults. They were really great,


I really love the Classic era feeling of DF. Between stellar class fantasy and talent trees, to big open world public events with tons of people, DF really felt like an MMORPG again.

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We need more stuff like this too. WM feels isolated to wherever spark is and dead everywhere else.

Not much of a pvp player here but did have some fun with wm on with some friends when the Voldun assault was up lol.

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it’s been suggested that yes there will be more events (one of the interviews mentioned a chaotic group performance of a play that works like the soup event) but I haven’t heard any news coming out of the alpha testing yet.

I hope they don’t. I really hate this have to be on at this time to do these.

These events are like watchin paint dry.

They need to be revamped to be interesting