TWW main tank

I think I’m going to tank again come TWW. I mainly pug. I’m Debating between warrior, DK, and paladin. Thoughts?

The one you listed first is the one you already chose subconsciously, so roll with warrior.

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personally, i would choose paladin if you are planning on pugging mythic plus.

paladins can make up for missed interrupts with grand crusader procs and divine toll, if the healer dies, prot paladin can heal the group to help keep everyone alive.

i think paladin is the best for pugging mythic plus.

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DK though. Who cares if someone else screws up and dies, you’ll still be immortal

Would go Paladin, personally.

Lots of utility and strong. If you get tired of tanking, Ret is looking to be great again in TWW and isn’t very difficult to play.

Fixed *

Well, if it helps than blood is currently easier in tww, than most other tanks purely for that fact that there are a lot of casters in the dungeons.

Not only does blood have a fair bit of magic immunity, but they can also pull those mobs to them instead of constantly rushing around like the other two.

Warrior and Paladin are both doing good as well. In truth the only tank I’ve heard people really complaining about in beta is the brewmaster. (This could change, or may have already changed)

Warrior looks sick as mountain thane lots of lightning. And colossus makes you a bit taller than everyone else.

Paladin has templar which has you raining hammers on everybody. Or lightsmith?(I hear this is good for group utility)

Those are all tanks. You’re off to a good start.

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Appreciate the replies. I enjoy all 3. Probably enjoy blood tanking the best, and warrior off specs… Paladin is a good middle ground because prot is relatively fun as is ret.


I honestly never understand these posts. Nobody else is playing your character, it’s you, why do you need their advice on what you want to play?

Tuning is going to be going on like crazy over the next 2 months, not a single person on here has any idea what is going to be better than something else.

I love a good blood dk

Probably for the same reason you posted. Something to do.

While I don’t really tank myself, I have tested out tanks in Delves. And for me Vengeance DH and Blood DK were the most fun. At least to me.

You said…

And right after that you said this…

I think you should reevaluate this idea.

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BDK, Prot Warrior, and Brew feel the most fun on beta.

I know you didnt list it but I love bear tanking by a country mile. Aoe agro is easier than the other tanks.

BDK is the least reliant on group performance, and can handle an oops from dos better than the other 2. DRW is just a very impactful button to press and you’ll have it up often. Not uncommon to run a fat absorb trinket if just a straight throughput trinket for dps. Trinkets are being impacted by time though, so research BiS. You have virtually zero group utility, only BR. AMZ is rarely that important for pug level content.

Warrior is always great in lower keys and for raids. Block is very strong mitigation. You’ll really want to get your hands on an absorb trinket or two if available. Usually our ideal trinket is from the raid. You have very low group utility, commanding shout is good when pushing keys though.

Pld is good at propping up a group but you’re rewarded for dungeon knowledge more than any one else because you can interact with literally every mechanic. It’s the strongest of the pug tanks for keeping a weaker player out of harms way. You have the most utility. Historically dps has been weaker than other tanks. You have a BR.

I love BDK, I really enjoy war, I dislike Pld.

Plate mog is great, so good choice on your 3!

If you’re favoring plate I would recommend pally or dk depending on your playstyle preferences. Dk remains consistently high value in raids but sometimes a miss in m+, paladin trends about the same intensity in the opposite direction. As much as I love playing prot warrior, they very frequently get nerfed out of relevance in pve content and struggle to find a good place.

lol I did not post an idiotic question proving that I can’t think for myself and need others to tell me what to do. Like is there actually a reality where when someone is asked about why they play a class or what they like about it, their answer is “because some stranger on the forums I don’t know told me I should”?

Use that brain of yours and make your own decisions in life