I am trying to look at Light of Dawn from every angle but it just feels terrible… The output feels like garbage, ~70k non crit, in a game where average hp is now 5.5 mil) in a cone with a baseline 15 yard range, 25/40 if 1/2 talents are added to an optional talent. Hard capped at 5 targets. The skill has no amazing talents around it, talents like Unending Light feel backwards in design. Even as a Herold of the Sun even Second Sunrise and Sun Sear feel super lackluster for it.
Any Holy Paladins here that can explain how you use Light of Dawn because it feels like throwing away 3 holy power for almost no healing at all.
It’s a very simple fix. Just don’t play it right now as it’s just flat out bad imo, just like trying to spam holy light and flash of light, not worth it with the builds we have going on right now. Get really good/comfortable with spamming EF on everybody :3
Being a builder spender class with only 1 viable spender for your primary role, AND having it be ONLY single target is pathetic class design.
Imo Light of Dawn needs a rework. It needs to be a combo aoe damage/aoe healing. Give it a short-ish cool down, AND make it do noticeable healing.
If you blink and cast Light of Dawn simultaneously you’d never know you casted it at all. That’s something you can’t say about chain heal, PW:R, Sheilun’s, or even Wild Growth.
Agreed, it needs something. Might be fun if it got reworked to be a variable cast from 1-3 Holy Power based on how long you cast it for.
1HP 1 sec cast - 15 yard cone, X healing
2HP 1.5 sec cast -25 yard cone, healing increased, First Extra Effect
3HP 2 sec cast - 40 yard cone, healing increased, Second Extra Effect.
Merges the effects of the talent into the baseline spell based on how long you cast it for. Longer you cast/more HP used the more it heals for and the further it heals in addition to bonus effects.
The could do fun stuff too like the 3hp effect could be your next two Crusader Strike’s heal the party for XXX% damage done or such. One of my favorite parts of Holy is going into DPS mode to do healing.
Heck, they could always revamp it entirely in some way to further enforce healing through damage some how.
Would you be fine having your single target healing nerfed to have our aoe buffed? We’re balanced primarily around our spot healing, so there has to be some shift in power for that to happen.
They don’t? Holy Paladins have some of the strongest single-target healing in the game.
Using my logs as a reference, I have the highest single target averages as well as the most instances of single target spells hitting for a million plus across all the healers in my raid group.
There are also specs in the game that excel at AoE healing and are weak at single target.
I don’t wanna be “excellent” I want to be “enough” and when a massive AoE goes out like during the mini-boss in Dawnbreaker, or when the DPS pop crystals during the golem fight in Stone Vault, or when fighting the two boss fight in Stone Vault and everyone is taking massive chunking damage I would love to have something!
Light of Dawn feels like an embarrassment to try to get people back up. I basically go into faith mode and hope I can get everyone up enough before someone dies. Can pump out 700k HPS but doesn’t mean a thing when I feel like I have to ST heal AoE damage because my on demand HP Spender for AoE is just that bad! Thank god for avenging wrath dps healing and instant casts like Holy Prism, Holy Shock, Eternal Flame and such.
Heck, Light of Dawn heals for so little id argue the AoE talent for Holy Light heals for more AoE!
Which doubles back to how absolutely pointless Light of Dawn is, as a Holy Power Spender.
When Virtue + WoG is superior to Light of Dawn in aoe situations in most situations, why does LoD exist? A HP dump? We have SotR for that and it’s actually useful for damage.
Add insult to injury, it requires a talent to have effective range.
LoD either needs
A rework
Strip its Holy Power cost so it can just be a terrible spell with a cooldown or cast time
Exactly. They are trying to defend Holy Multi-Target healing but just continuing to help prove how worthless light of dawn is in the process.
For god’s sake, the healing enchant “Authority of Fiery Resolve” proc’s heal more than Light of Dawn!
A Enchant’s proc does more than Light of Dawn.
Which it’s not even amazing in raids given it has a HARD Cap of 5 targets already… And I would argue its even worse because it could heal people who need it less first since it’s not that smart of a heal.
It’s not badly designed. Its design is consistent with the design of the spec.
We haven’t had a spammable AoE heal in over a decade and we have the tools to deal with AoE damage that focus on our strengths and class identity (beacons and strong single target heals).
Light of dawn is not designed as an impactful AoE heal and our class just simply isn’t designed to ”chain heal” everyone out of AoE damage.
It works fine for what it is: a spender that is stronger than a single target spender if all 5 targets need healing. But that type of ability doesn’t suit the damage profiles in M+.
I maintain that LoD needs to be made omni-directional. Make it shoot beams from you to 5 injured nearby targets or something. Either that or make 25yd baseline, and 40 a one point talent. Even when conditions are optimal, it feels bad. 200k, 10yard crits on 5 targets, while I can get 2mil EFs.
Blizz doesn’t understand how stupid I feel seeing half the raid is low, slamfiring 4 LoDs into melee before realising all the injured were ranged. I miss Legion, where I could stack at the back of ranged and shoot my LoD all the way to melee.
That’s not to mention how its useless in M+.
At least in Legion, it was balanced around its cooldown. With the longer range, plus its higher healing, I could make use of it in M+ with Virtue as a really strong combo. But now, people tend to be so spread that its only going to hit 2-3 people.