TWW is the first expansion

…where us Hunters don’t get a new pet family.

Remember when TBC gave us Sporebats, Ravagers, and Nether Rays? Three new families in one expansion.

And then Wrath gave us Rhinos, Spirit Beasts, Devilsaurs, exotic pets.

DF almost didn’t have a new family either, but we ended up with Lesser Dragonkin.

Yeah. :-/

It’s entirely possible that they will add one or two in a future patch, but they will most likely just make additions to existing families. As long as we keep getting beasts to tame, it’s whatever to me.

I haven’t played hunter but would mudskippers become a new pet family? :fishing_pole_and_fish::robot:

When I set up hunter pets, one of the things I need to do is check their animations in relation to their scale.

I was on the fence on if i was going to make mudskippers tameable until I checked their anims and just spent the next 30 minutes laughing as they ran after my toon.


They’re part of Frogs/Toads, if I recall. And it’s being renamed to “Hoppers”.

I’m happy about the new animals, a LOT of new spiders, just wish we had new pet skills/families to play with.

I guess the whole Hunter tree rework is a lot of work, though. Stil looking forward to that.


Might just be me not having played or experienced the hunter pet aspect but… why does the animal family matter? Isn’t it better to just get more pets overall rather than have a specific family of animals that don’t get reused basically ever?

Back in the day new families meant new pet abilities like dragonhawks with their fire breath, spore bats with their poison clouds. But now that all the pet family abilities are just glorified purges, hamstrings, and mortal strikes it really doesn’t mean much


I need that pet to come with a top and monocle.


Most families are unique in certain ways.

For PvP, let’s say I want a pet that reduces healing.

My options are Rodents, Lizards, Carrion Birds, or Hydras, if I want a pet with a Mortal Strike, 50% reduced healing ability.

Now, within these options, there are more sub-options.

Rodents are Cunning, so they give an extra speed bonus and their special pet class ability that all Cunning pets have, is a root-break.

Carrion Birds are Ferocity, so they give a little bonus to leech (lifesteal) and their Ferocity pet ability is basically Bloodlust/Heroism, the Hunter version.

And finally, Lizards and Hydras are both Tenacity pets. They give a 5% bonus to total health, passively, and an additional defensive cooldown as their Tenacity ability.

Since we don’t get the freely pick the specs our pets have, it’s pretty limiting what pets you can use, especially if you want a certain aesthetic.

I try to stick to using sea creatures since I’m a KT, for example.

It’s mostly just another form of cosmetics, but pets actually do have combat purpose so it’s a little more than that.



Well, hope the beasts that are coming in TWW are some good sea creature esque looking ones in that case! ^^


Curious if they’ll be affected by the crab/spider switch. :robot::test_tube:

Might be cool if hunters could get those fearsome nerubian beasts. (no idea what pet family that belongs to) :robot::+1:

The dev team are having fun with them, some chance we’ll see one wearing a top hat. :8ball::robot:

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Hunters may get new pet families during TWW.

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Oh no! Anyway…

Its the first expansion where “spec tank/heal to get faster queues” gets decimated :rofl: