TWW Hpal issues

My thoughts…
edit: This is from POV of doing mythic+

  1. Loss of glimmer means a loss of 10% mitigation which it provided while active… I will miss this.
  2. Tree still has a lot of dead/barely useful talents.
  3. I would prefer holy shock’s power being balanced properly without a janky healing absorb debuff that requires us to blow a global to clear (martyr.) Having to consider a debuff every time I heal with holy shock and blow a GCD to clear it does not sound appealing, and honestly seems to be a real bizarre design choice considering how frequent that spell is used for healing.
  4. Blessing of sacrifice going from a 1 min to 2 min CD is actually a huge nerf considering tanks will be taking more damage now.

Tuning will make or break the spec as usual. Interesting to see hpal once it’s finalized…


We were buffed in this regard: beacon now gives 5% damage reduction permanently and it works with virtue. So 5% mitigation on 2 targets permanently or 5% mitigation on 5 targets temporarily.

Infusion and its associated talents were the reason casting was the meta in Season 3/4.

In TWW, holy power spenders are stronger than infusions so it creates a power vacuum where the only thing that matters is generating as much holy power as possible in the most efficient way possible.

Holy light is too mana-intensive to spam and flash of light heals for too little. Naturally, this means infusions matter less, so the talents shifted to melee ones.


Yeah, I saw that… it does make me consider using beacon again, but for higher keys 24-26 in season 3 I started using virtue for oppressive AOE damage. This season I just stuck with virtue, and I always had a lot of uptime with glimmer, especially with divine toll refreshing it; I’ll have to see how TWW dungeons are with damage and how finalized hpal performs with healing.


TWW dungeons are designed in a similar way to DF. With current tuning, expect heavy burst of aoe and Virtue to be default choice.


Thank you for saying this! It’s not good if we hesitate to use Holy Shock.

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The way I look at it, micromanaging the debuff results in one less action we are able to take. This ultimately cuts into our mana, dps, and even healing. Hopefully holy shock’s strength will be tuned appropriately along with the entire package of the spec to justify this.

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AC just needs to be the mastery with different name, how it scales(not by x% of damage done), and add Hammer of Wrath to the mix.

Melee benefits from it most but range can still use it.

-Add choices in the talent tree that provide ways to add to mastery like adding Holy Shock to mastery but lose a charge or gain a charge of CS but lose a charge on Holy Shock or avoid for 2 charge HS

-Add talents that help melee heal certain people or smart healing/overhealing transferring

Also prefer if they just changed the Holy Power system to something for doing damage and/or mana regen. Make LoD and WoG cd based but cd lowered by Infusion of Light usage and other ways via talents or Holy Power damage abilities.

Holy power Damage abilities is Denounce single target and Holy Wrath aoe. Divine Plea for mana.


While I do like these ideas, I’m genuinely concerned that holy will endlessly suffer trying to accommodate both ranged and melee playstyle.

The content will never dictate which playstyle you will pick, the output will. (Unless there is an insane amount of melee or ranged mechanics making one more simple and effective to play)

The voice should always be between more AOE vs more single target. That should be the guiding decisions in talent choices, as the content being done can have a bigger impact on the decisions.

Why I also think they just need to either get rid of crusader strike for exorcism if they want a range pally or if they decide to go more melee they need talents and abilities/spells to flow better.

Melee Healer can be it’s own 4th pally spec but we don’t want other classes whining.

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I’m not casting, again! I don’t care! D:

(Not mad at you, just at casting.) X) lol


I remember, back in the olden days, Pallies were only single-target. We were usually assigned to the tank, when they took damage.

Nuuu! I like Crusader Strike! :slight_smile:
Shadowlands had the best playstyle, for me! I was in the zone!


I read somewhere that Monk? I think? has 2 healing playstyles, but I’m not entirely sure, bkz I don’t have a Monk. I thought I read somewhere that there is a branch for casting and a branch for melee.

I wish they could do that for Pallies. I was a caster in BC. I haven’t used Holy Light for YEARS!


I mentioned this before but, in order for someone (who’s trying to push the highest content) to pick a build with lower HPS (excluding utilities), there would need to be reason to do so.

If the builds are melee vs ranged, then (if ranged is the lower HPS) you might pick the ranged build if there are extremely punishing melee mechanics, or vice-versa for melee

Now if the builds are between AOE and single target, you would pick which ever build matches the damage output

I have noticed that it’s very rare, mechanically, that I’m forced in or out of melee. (Sure there are moments to dodge mechanics, but it’s not consistent enough to justify picking the lower HPS build)

On the other hand, there are fights where I would want more AOE vs focused healing. Those occur far more often in my opinion.

I believe AOE vs ranged would result in more build diversity across content, then ranged vs melee would, with the way things are currently