TWW Gearing Roadblock

Dude, people are clearing M+ just fine. It sounds like you just hit your skill cap. M+ has only BEEN OUT A WEEK, and you are already crying. MMOs are meant to be a long distance run, not a sprint. This content has to keep players busy for months. This is why people have the vault.

You will get vault rewards that will allow you to do higher keys eventually.

I swear, M+ players have just made WoW an insufferable experience. I freaking loathe M+ players with the burning passion!!!

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Sorry, I was agreeing with you and had a typo, I went back and fixed it. Long day at work lol

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Thats doing the exact thing youre claiming you didnt do haha

Git gud? I mean the people going out past reward levels of content arent getting better rewards to complete those levels of difficulties.

Ahh. I was wondering about that! lol

WTF does he think Progression Raiding is all about?


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M+ players were just used to getting amazing rewards for faceroll content. Now, they have to work for it.

The very thing they are complaining about delvers getting, lol.

Their real complaint, is that delves are accessible and now they aren’t able to gatekeep with raider io.

Thats on the player though. Gear has only ever done so much. If gear did equate to difficulty or skill, m+ 12s would never be cleared

I was nodding my head a bit until point 3.

This raid is the one of the easiest tiers in recent memory, Nexus Princess is the only boss on H that seems particularly painful for me. I will say, I haven’t actually done Court or Ansurek at all yet, so maybe there’s something I’m missing on these two fights, but this is my current feeling on the matter.

Bloodbound gets a special mention for pugs that don’t have experience - that is a pain, but it’s not a huge hurdle.

What in the holy hell are you talking about?

Absolutely can. Ill take the 600 ilvl with an io score and experience in the dungeon im running over a 613 ilvl delver in a heart beat

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She’s talking about people like the OP looking around at other people who have 0 raid or m+ clears and getting mad that they are wearing 600+.

See, the thing is, the delver won’t care and can still get pretty decent gear, so no, you can’t gatekeep and stop the delver from getting decent gear.

In prior expansions, a non-m+ player had to stop at Heroics or perhaps Event gear like Suffusion/Dream/Time gear. They were held back by people with raider io refusing to take them on m+.

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This content is meant for casual players, the gear caps pretty low compared to M+ rewards.

The truth is, most M+ players are grinding M+ for the rewards. It has always been this way since day 1. The faster they can get to the key levels that give them their best gear, the better.

Veteran maxes at 606…
Champion maxes at 619…

You could farm +4s until 619….

But you are telling yourself that you are hard stuck 606 and can only do 7s.

You are skipping steps.


I’d say that in the past… some m+ players grinding for gear were grinding m+ only because it was the only way outside of raiding to get gear.

That’s why so many of them are now in delves. they never liked m+ to begin with.


Sure there is. Do harder content. 606 is the baseline for dipping into this, where Runed crests come into play, where it’s not supposed to be fast and low effort anymore. The gear track system has worked wonderfully for getting people to the gates of harder content more reliably, while keeping “lower” content (normal raid, low mythic, delves) relevant via better itemization through the upgrade system. Got a great trinket with garbage item level from M+2? Upgrade it. I’m failing to see the issue with this, and I would even say this is the greatest gearing system they’ve ever implemented.

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M+4 drops champion gear and runed crest…

That will take you to 619…

You are skipping steps trying to do 7s at 606…


Game modes can’t be blamed for players wanting to take the path of least resistance for gearing. Ideally, people would just play the content they find fun and ignore the rest, despite how lucrative a particular game mode is. Unfortunately that’s not the case.

Delves is my endgame, so I’m not aligned with any attempts to alter it to make M+ players and raiders happy


I think Blizzard finally realized this. Only took them 4 expansions to get the message. M+ doesn’t appeal to your average MMO player. I made a post a few weeks ago showing that only about 30% of the player base even gets the KSE achievement. People hate timers!!! They just did it for gear.

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That, or Microsoft had something to do with it.

Heck for all we know some people at Microsoft were WoW players and they were like “WTF are you guys doing? This crap sucks, come up with a system for the rest of the people”.

I doubt that’s what really happened but it’d be hilarious if it were.

Still the case since delve gear stops considerably lower than raid/m+ thats what im saying.

Theyre capped at delve level gear
Before delves, solo content capped at event level so they got event level gear. Now its just delve and delve level gear. Its still lower than potential high end gear, so theyre still blocked unless theyre willing to put in the work.

Which they wont. Which is why theyre capped. And why they gatekeep themselves

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