WOW… It is amazing how every word you say is wrong. If you want physical/lightning, play the storm build, don’t even try elementalist. Devs, leave elementalist alone (but fix totemic). Elementalist rocks. Love having hard hitting ranged abilities, a mixture of the elements, frequent set ups for big bursts, …
As a wild hammer dwarf it is very fitting to not only hammer my opponents in the face, but bring the elements, mostly lightning , down on their heads from afar should they try to avoid the face rearrangement.
Overall, leave the storm slinger enhancement build alone and add a branching melee/whatever build in the talents
I haven’t played beta, but I saw they added a +15% to Windfury in the class tree, and Totemic has another +15% as well. Gonna take my 2 points in Frost Witch and get my 25% and maybe Doomwinds will actually be worth taking again. Still hoping it gets tuned up a bit. But if I was working on the class I think a focus on more meaningful CDs would be what I’d work on.
Honestly it’s just Witch Doctors Wolf Bones and it’s predecessor that made my favorite class’s damage profile so flat. Can’t be tuned to have big bursts with 100% wolf uptime -.-