TWW dissapointment

So, let me start by saying I searched for a post about this issue but I wasn’t able to locate any so I started this thread.

Basically, I’m just complaining.

I’ve played wow since BT came out - playing every single expac since BT came out.

This expansion (TWW) has completely let me down. I feel no excitement, no reason to engage in the game, and no desire to spend hours per day grinding out whatever it is I’m grinding. Maybe i’ve just played too long and am getting tired of it? Who knows…

The constant bugs, lack of support from Blizzard, ridiculous changes (delves, shaman ascendance, the dawnbreaker, etc) has completely turned me off from playing the game.

I do like delves (when I can get Brann to work) and the follower dungeons are vastly better than they were in DF. They still need some work but are mostly great. But, you can only run follower dungeons so many times before you outgear them and/or get bored.

I have no solution to the bugs other than Blizzard should delay products until they’re working at least better than this launch. DF was such a smooth and seamless expac and I had high hopes that TWW would be even better. I took my time to actually read every single quest in the campaign but once I finished, I had no reason to play. I tried forcing myself to play this, that, w/e but all of the issues combined just don’t sit right with me.

No, I’m not going to cancel my sub. I’m way too invested into this game now. I just with Blizzard would release better products.

Regardless, I’m not sure what to do. I may just stop playing until s2? I have no desire to do any m+ this season, no raiding, no pvp. basically, there’s nothing I can’t live without.

Thanks for listening… :yawning_face:


The number of bugs, errors, and glitches FAAAR exceeds any other expansion I’ve experienced - and I’ve been playing since 2006. It’s rather concerning to be honest

Really seems like we can no longer trust our accumulated game data, gold, storage, items, etc to be “safe”… one random bug created by sloppy coding/dev work (which the player had nothing to do with) and it could all be gone in an instant


No point playing something you don’t enjoy when there is a ton of other things you could be doing to enjoy yourself. Take a break and come back later when you get the bug to play.


yeah, i need to do some yardwork anyway! LOL Wow always gave me an excuse to not do it! LOL

Thanks for the support


Yeah just stop playing the game and maybe come back when you like it again.


I know everyone expects a Filet Mignon game, but we pay Flank Steak prices. If done right Flank Steak can be pretty tasty. I hate “White Knighting” for them, but it’s the truth. I spend more on a single hot dog at a baseball game than I do for WoW. Don’t get me started on the beer prices!


Gotta love it when people can’t spell disappointment but insist on writing about it


gee, what a kind observation. Oh, and just so you know, the spell check for this post PUT it that way. So. thanks for being well whatever you are


Yea I think WoW has a lot of problems. Kind of a 4/10 game right now.


Buggiest I’ve ever seen the game. I found another one today in Delves and I’m very surprised it exists. How long before gathering nodes are deleted out of them?

The only thing that hasn’t bugged out is the raid.

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I’m not going to argue that. It’s definitely the buggiest the game has ever been. I’m debating whether I am going to sub another month. Usually I last a few months at a time. Just starting to get that feeling like the repetitiveness isn’t justifying the rewards for me. I don’t know how people play the game for years, but more power too them if they find it enjoyable for that amount of time.


Yeah you sound like it.


every expansion is the worst expansion
not even kidding
just google “worst Wow expansion ever”
theres a post somewhere saying this.

MoP was my fav, now its TWW

Having a blast myself.


Can you elaborate?
Delves being tuned is expected, since they were broken being easier for groups.
They’re just OK for most DPS specs in solo play atm, so I don’t know what your beef with them is.

Ascendance being changed to favor Lightning specs instead of full LvB spam is another HUGE win, one of the best in decades for ele shaman. The looks… yeah, they suck, but it’s not like I even care much about them either.

Dawnbreaker is a norm breaker, just like Oculus, and great for that.
Should be terrible for sweaty content, as is anything that stops the GOGOGO crowd.
It should have skips and better accessibility options though.

Don’t get attached to anything in live service games. Nothing is yours.
Prepare yourself to quit at any given moment.
This is a game, a hobby, something you do for fun, not your whole life.
Do not get addicted to it.

Voice your concerns and stop playing/paying if you don’t like the game as it is now.

This expansion, while full of small annoying bugs, is still very playable, but it should not have been released until 2025. People would complain either way, so, yeah…


Blizz : Ok so I have no reason to make the game better since you will pay me anyway. Thanks for your money.


Literally this, people lost decades of stuff in their guild banks and they’ll still worship TWW as the greatest expansion, sub for 6 months and pre-order early access for the next expansion. Blizzard doesn’t care at all, they could ship a game in early alpha with game-breaking bugs (like they did in TWW) but even worse, and people would still shill the company.


This is the main gripe I have for ascendance. I’ll just spec out of it if we can’t change the model. the spec itself is good but the model really makes me ummm sick at my stomach? :slight_smile:

For delves solo, I’ve not had any success with Brann at all. Not as healer. Not as dps. he just runs around and aggro’d everything. Every time I’ve done one, he does the same thing. Probably just bad luck but still, it turned me off. The idea and the tweaking is expected as one should. It’s just the issue with Brann.

Dawn breaker - in theory a good dungeon - reminds me of Eye sort of. IRL not so good. I’ve run that dungeon exactly 3 times. The first was fine. The next two - I couldn’t land on the ship at all. No matter what I did. In one of the runs, I was able to manually dismount on top of the middle ship and fell onto the boat. But, I was immediately stuck on a door.

Yeah, I get the stop playing issue. But, I can’t! LOL You know, just as a I get out, they pull you back in!

Anyway, thanks for the feedback.

I like the white knights that don’t disagree with the OP, but instead complain about a mistyped word lol.

There’s even one in this thread defending all those guild bank items being deleted due to a blizzard side error.

I think some of you are a little too hasty to defend the poor multibillion dollar indie company.


Tbh, I don’t think they don’t care if I unsub or not.

Yea and everytime the masses said “this is the worst expansion” they were right.

Every expansion is worse than the last one.

Its kind of like when people say “people always say kids are dumber now” and they were always right. And we are actually headed towards idiocracy.