TWW: Archon Priest

I really wanted to submit a feedback about Archon priest, but I don’t have access to beta so I wrote it here.

Based on the description and the recent icon (which looks absolutely incredible) of the hero talent, the theme seems to be very clear and it sounds very cool. Then you start reading the talents and realize it’s all about Halo which has nothing to do with the description. What happened to the theme? Where is the holy form? Where is the ultimate potential between holy and shadow? Both specs already have the tools to build something cool. Holy has apotheosis, spirit of redemption while shadow has shadowform, void form and dark ascension. Why not play around those? If halo is really the direction, then add some kind of holy or shadow form while halo is active. It could be simple as trigger apotheosis and void form while halo is active. I don’t hate the whole idea, but something that would bring us more towards the actual theme would be fantastic.


It’s not any consolation and I’m sorry you’re disappointed. The same story is happening with Outlaw Rogue and the Trickster hero talents too. It is about Ambush now, requiring Outlaw to “zero in” on that talent track (left side). An example of well-done-design though is Elune’s Guardian, where only choice nodes favor base talents, such as the flexibility between Thrash or Lunar Beam build choices. As a Guardian, my hero talents don’t lock me into “the right way to play”, like we are probably seeing with Archon and Trickster. Don’t feel alone and don’t feel it’s hopeless either.

I think this feedback is good but probably shouldn’t be added into this particular board, since this is narrowly focused on Warbands for now, and the class feedback can be done in the class forum until a more focused channel is selected.

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