[TWW Alpha] - no hunter hype, nobody posting Youtube videos, nobody cares

people may not enjoy posts like this and call them ‘complaints’ but they are absolutely needed. The state of Hunter over the last several years has meant that there are almost no hunter content creators despite there being the biggest potential audience for it.

We will have Kirenaika to thank when Hunter finally gets an update
(search ‘10.1.7 Hunter Class Rework Copium’ for a good vid)


Thank you! Doing my best!

Technically, we are “complaining”, yes, but we’re also stating objective facts: smallest number of unique talents, combined with biggest number of multiple-node talents, as you said in your vid, is something measurable - a fact. Content creator engagement being low is a fact. Not having class design updates while all other classes with 3 released hero talents do, is a fact.

Indeed, some people may not like it, but I believe it’s necessary :smiley: Otherwise, they’d think we’re happy with the state of the class and would have even less incentive to work on it :smiley:

I have absolutely no intention of stopping these “complaint” threads until the devs start investing the same amount of work in the hunter class, as they do for the rest.


youre so right bestie, exclusively kirenaika and not everyone else that’s been complaining about the same thing all dragonflight :person_kneeling:


blizzard : no announcements for hunters
dentheadaika : another day has passed and there are no announcements for us ? Whadahek

I highly recommend giving Riokaii’s post on TWW alpha hunter section a read, that dude hit the nail on the head perfectly. Atleast we have 1 hunter on the alpha trying to shed some light on our class!


Thanks mate, it was a great read!

I want Hunter to be treated as equally well as those other classes and specs, I don’t think that is unreasonable. I don’t think it is possible to truly understand the scale of issues with the class tree, spec tree, utility options, core functioning and design philosophies, hero talents, and come away with any other possible conclusion: Hunter’s need dramatically important heavy dev attention and focus, urgently.

I support this guy for president!

Edit: link to the post so hopefully more people can find it and like it:


Thanks for the link. That was a good read. I also appreciate you posting this thread and bumping it. I just came back to WoW after being away for a decade. I stepped away after MoP where hunters were amazing and came back to find the my spec (BM) a lot less engaging. There are some things I like such as dual pets but man does it stink that we can’t choose pet specs anymore (my ferocity pets shouldn’t be tankier than my tenacity pets) among other things.

Here’s hoping they take a good look at thay thread and give this class some much needed TLC.


I have been following the hunter forums/beta forums since beta of BFA and i can tell you we have gone through a ton of hunters in that time that have tried to give feedback with hardly any good changes or reworks in the last 5 years.

I remember the huge copium a couple of years ago after the DF talents got released, people and even myself generally though there is no way they would leave MM hunter like this for another expansion and i was completely blown away and proven wrong. Its crazy to see how dead MM hunter is when it use to be such a popular spec to what it is today after years of lack of changes.

OP is spam posting feedback\anger that we havent had changes but he isnt the first, we have had many… people.


We finally have it! The first hunter TWW video in English!

Shoutout to Supatease! Legend!

Dark Ranger VS Sentinel Which is Cooler



Sooooo much work needs to be done lol, if dks can turn blood boil blue as a deathbringer we can turn rapid fire white or blue for sentinel copes massively


Sentinel looks nice tbh. Can’t wait!

I agree with all that and just add a minor request to developers working on hunters … BM most of all … the class fantasy is awesome taming and commanding beasts to aid you but can we please get:

—- some cool animations … maybe a flashing stampede, maybe a ghostly army of pets for pack leader, or pets that similar to monks celestiais pets … I don’t know … so many ideas … just want see something new … can’t remember when we got updated abilities animations on hunters …
—- … please … it’s just cosmetic but … hunters have a tendency to have the worst looking sets … war within 1st raid set is a great example … dragon flight season 1 was great …

Thank you :pray:t2:


Stampede is already a talent, it’s just very undertuned and scaled poorly in comparison to just doing DC applying 10% more damage and not ninja-pulling mobs from further away. Also, type like a normal human being.


I think this is good feedback toohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dnRZoJW81c

Even if we overlook the tuning issue, it also doesn’t help that so many of the BM tree options are also two-talent nodes. If I didn’t have so many talents that genuinely buff my pets-- and therefore my playstyle-- I would probably take Stampede as an extra ability for farming old content, simply because it helps fulfill the class fantasy for me.

As it currently is, I don’t choose it because we have so many other talents that take multiple point investments that I feel do more for my character in terms of gameplay than an ability for class fantasy’s sake would do.

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BM has been pigeon-holed to the left side of the general hunter tree for the whole expansion. How can you not get double kill command… :frowning:


Hey at least you can give feedback on all your mediocre trees.

We have one boring mediocre tree, and the other two haven’t even been released.

Game comes out in like less than 6 months too.

With love & in sharing pain,

Your neighborhood Shaman.


We love you and empathize, our shaman friends! We have indeed shared a lot of “pain” historically in terms of WoW class development.

When you have 2 unreleased trees, at least there’s the hope that something amazing might be around the corner. That’s how I felt before they released sentinel…

But with all 3 trees bad, you can only make noise and try to get their attention to improve something.

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Yeah. I feel that.

My biggest gripes with the Hunter tree are similar, seem boring and “un hero like” compared to some other classes and specs.

And like Shaman I feel like Hunter needs some visual updates. That dark arrow is…. Sad.

Bows should be able to have illusions by now and rapid fire fire should look like arcane if playing dark ranger.

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my fav part of this vid is when he realizes they copy pasted dark ranger talents to sentinel