[TWW Alpha] New Bellular video - hunter ranked as biggest loser of Hero talents


After Supatease’s video, criticizing Dark Ranger, we have a new one, this time by Bellular:

Hero Talents RANKED: The Winners & Losers of War Within Alpha

Pack leader was picked as the absolute worst hero talent tree so far:


(link is to the exact time they talk about it)

and then Sentinel made it to the “losers” category too :smiley:


(again, link to the exact time in the video)

I’m pretty sure they omitted Dark ranger on purpose not to demoralize too much their viewers who play hunter

So there we have it, great job with hunter hero talents!!! Only surpassed by the work on the class itself!

we’re working on cleaning up all three of the Hero Talent trees - that will be quite the clean up, guys


Since Legion spec reviews for me Bellulars opinions are below sea level. Most of the times he has no idea what the hell he is talking about


I agree his lore videos are fine but his class knowledge seems baseline at best no more than just reading it out loud and calling it a review


I watched the video for the visual footage of the abilities, these “tier lists” are getting silly :crazy_face:

Personally I wasn’t a fan of the pulsating light for the Sentinel, it was actually kinda blinding in just the video so can’t imagine in game. Has anyone else noticed this?

The Pack Leader reminds me of other skills that basically summon the pets in mass, I’m not really surprised this is it, I mean it’s pack leader, but I’m getting a sense of redundancy. Maybe they have plans for the class trees too.

He was doing Stampede (from the general tree) while talking about pack leader. The talent tree itself does not give you any summons


Ok, it looks different, but I haven’t used Stampede in awhile.

I thought he tier review was fine. What was your issue with the video


You’re right - when it concerns the deep inner workings of classes, he’s a “total casual”, but that’s exactly the point of the video - when your average Joe like himself sees the talent trees, which ones would he find exciting, and which boring?

And in that respect, I think he nails it.


The video was entirely on fantasy, not performance or such. and i think he’s absolutely right that all 3 hunter trees have no flavor or flash. the animations suck, as usual with this class sadly. whoevers in charge of hunter art needs to be moved out


Are you going to make a new thread for every alpha video on youtube ?

Don’t see why not. Maybe it will garner enough attention eventually.

Everything ever said about SV during legion alpha “reviews”. Dude had no clue what he was doing, all the rotations, everything wrong and spouted how unplayable and bad SV was. Then idiots parroted it for years


Exactly - the goal is to make as much noise as possible while it still matters, because Alpha is when design can be actually improved. During beta it’s mostly bugfixes only at that point onwards.

When the devs go to the dedicated Alpha hunter thread (where only people with access can post), observe what they will find underneath this post:


why do you lie?

retweet. guy doesnt know anything about the way the game works now but considers himself an authority

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you cant expect a youtuber that does “wow news” to master 40 specs in every alpha build lol

this vid was fine for the avg normie wow player pov. pack leader is boring, it’s like the “patch note buffs” of hero specs. sentinel is just a passive dot that summons an owl storm and makes 0 sense for anyone playing horde.


I didn’t watch this video. He can’t be trusted

From memory SV in legion was the least played spec in the game, that wasnt bellulars fault.

To most people it was bad. I just watched his intro to legions SV remake and he didnt say anything bad about it. The spec was just not popular and its still not popular even after all the fixes and changes. its a unpopular bad spec.


Oh he was very much part of the fault. The ammount of times I heard soemthing along the lines of “SV sucks, play BM!” oh yea? Why? “I saw bellular trashing it”

Survival has had less than a 1% around 0.5% (normally the least played spec) for nearly 10 years. Some youtuber saying it sucks isnt the reason for it.

Right now is the most popular survival has ever been and parse wise in raiding\mplus is still at the bottom.

I think it was the least popular spec for like 3-4 years in a row. Its unpopular stop with the cope.


I feel like it was more popular in 9.2?


The Hunter Hero Talents literally made me roll of my Hunter.
The lack of enthusiasm in their design is a red flag to abandon ship. It’s not getting better.

BM is easy and attracts players no matter how boring it is. And frankly I think Blizzard has just accepted that.

I want to be wrong. I scan for Hunter changes every time the alpha gets a new build waiting for a nugget of information. But I either get nothing, or further disappointment.