TWW: Alchemy, reclaim concoctions

Reclaim concoctions hasn’t been working for me for a couple of weeks. I have tried disabling all addons. I have 19 flasks of saving graces, 16 algari healing pots, 5 formulated courage, and 13 cave dweller’s delight currently in my bags. All of these are sitting in my main backpack. Are you able to give me an idea of what the issue might be? Thank you.

I assume you mean neutralize concoctions??. Reclaim definitely won’t work with those mats (it’s from DF)

Do you have any of those things in your warband bank? Sometimes it tries to grab those and will say you don’t have enough.

Isn’t Flask of Saving Graces the one where the system itself does not recognize the Flask is eligible to Neutralize?

Well R3 of these can be… But yeah I think the R1 and 2 of those are still bugged.

But cave dwellers delight should work.