Two types of players in Azeroth

Om gnom gnom

No sprinkles for you today!

(puts out a large tray of cookies, sans sprinkles, for Gnome friends to enjoy!)


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That falls under ā€œhugā€ imo. I hug them right into my mouth.

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Gnomes, hop onto my shoulders! I will protect you small ones.

/defensive flex


Iā€™m the gnome.

  1. slaughter them, decapitate their disgusting heads and hang it on the back of my mount.
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none of the above /eat them.

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Neither. I do not hug strangers, gnomes included. I do not punt strangers, gnomes included. Nor do I personally know any gnomes.

Have some :doughnut:s and :coffee:.

Where do I classify? I punt the male ones and hug the female ones because they are the only ones worth hugging.

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/pick up and put in my pocket and name them George, thatā€™s the type I am :smiley:

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There are 3 types, the third are the ones who ignore the gnomes.

Darn! And here I was hoping for a Clint Eastwood quote, a la:

There is a third type, the connoisseurs that eat the gnomes. BBQ gnome anyone? Itā€™ll be ready just as soon as the screaming stops.

Semper Fi! :us:


Itā€™s pretty clear by the look of me Iā€™m not going to be grouped into the /hug category.

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/appears, stabs everyone and fades into the shadows with the cookie tray

For the Horde!


The ā€˜tell them Goblin engineering is betterā€™ team.

The gnome

Gimme sprinkle cookies!!! :disappointed:

Not until you agree to stop trying to punt me! Try to punt Gnomest (which will not end well for youā€¦) instead.


Who said I would have punted you though? And Gnomest is easy to take care of. Sheā€™s light work. I could punt her 3000 yards away.