Two simple changes to fix and revitalize TBC Classic

My disagreeing with the thread certainly doesn’t preclude it also being meaningless. Both things can be true.

Also I don’t “disagree” with the thread because the thread doesn’t really make an arguable assertion. You’re simply stating a desire, a desire that happens to be unrealistic

You’re saying “I want a pony.” I’m saying “cool. Well you’re probably not getting a pony so making a 50th thread asking for it is probably useless but… :man_shrugging:


I’ve been reading all your replies, they boil down to “you want this thing, i don’t want that thing, so i conclude your thread is pointless”. This is my first thread on the topic btw, but of course you’ll claim clearly there are previous threads so people not allowed to make one in the same vein. You are truly the arbiter of the forums.

Your own logic and reason makes so little sense I don’t know where to begin, I’ll leave it for you to figure out.

:point_up: :point_up_2: :point_up: :point_up_2:

Please don’t make me repeat myself

i want them to add a WoD style mission table to TBC

my guild master just lvld his blood elf pally to 70.

excluding levelling up to 8, he didnt do a single quest from 8-70

removing the 58 boost would not remove boosting.

Exactly… And I’ll give your GM the benefit of the doubt… but I imagine a lot of the people boosting are doing it with bought gold. So the 58 boost is really just what people are already doing with few steps and more restrictions.

Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt I see

“Hey I have nothing to add so I’m just gonna go with cliche nonsequiturs!!”

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eh, its not difficult to make gold. not gonna say people arent buying gold, but i ran a ssc/tk gdkp this week that paid out 2300g/person.

im confident a lot of people buying loot in gdkps are gold buyers, but that doesnt make people who run gdkps for the payout also gold buyers.

but still its more a question of “why are people so eager to skip this content” and the answer is, beyond doing it once or twice, it stops being fun. removing boosting of all forms isnt going to repopulate the world. people will instead just not level.

Yea sure, I make several k a week off GDKP’s… But I also have no illusions about where a lot of THAT gold comes from either. But yea… the classic leveling content isnt THAT much fun the first couple times… It definitely isn’t entertaining the 5th time.

Doesn’t matter if they remove 58 boost. People will stay go to the Venezuelans to “boost your account”.

The best way to get that would be to start your own thread on the topic. See if this is something only you want or if it’s something that many people want or if there are many people against it.

And either way… its safe to say its a waste of time regardless because Blizzard obviously isn’t going to add a “WoD style mission table” to TBC. If it entertains you to ask then by all means… go ahead.

But one would certainly not be incorrect to label such a pursuit “meaningless.” :kissing_heart:

Every time someone asks for a change someone in the thread tells them it’s meaningless because it’s never going to happen. And sometimes they are wrong. If someone started a thread on adding wod mission table they’d soon discover that no one else wants it added. The thread would be lucky to get 10 responses. But that’s different than a post about dual spec all of which get hundreds and sometimes several thousands of responses. The person asking for the wod mission table was just trolling and so are you.

Name the times someone asked for a radical off the wall change that came true.

Actually just name anytime someone asked for a change in a thread and got what they wanted.

I’ll wait

Banning input broadcast software and hardware that multiboxers used.

You’re talking about a change to what 3rd party software is allowed… That’s obviously much different than asking for an INGAME CHANGE or the addition of a COMPLETELY NEW FEATURE.

Nice try though?

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Sorry to say you fell for his trick question. Any answer you would of given of radical changes would deny and defend whatever Blizzard’s stated reason for implementing it.

If you could translate this to some semblance of English I’d be much obliged.


You don’t get to make this blanket statement, sorry.

Not everyone who raids has hundreds of badges; I have just enough to cover my phase 3 needs. Others do not. I have 10 nethers, not dozens; I’d happily stock up more. In fact, doing heroics has always been one of the more attractive ways to make gold for me, rather than flying around mindlessly farming stuff. They give: plenty of greens and blues to DE, herbs to collect/nodes to mine in some cases, nethers to sell as armor kits/spellthread, nice passive gold and of course daily normal/daily heroic completion.

However, I don’t want to sit in party for 2 hours waiting for a tank every time I want to do one heroic.

The tanks I know feel thusly: between raids, they want to pvp. They’re arms. They’d gladly also tank daily heroics etc, except the prospect of making gold is severely reduced when one has to pay the 100G tax out the gate. Tanking as pvp arms just isn’t a thing. And so, none of us do the heroics. We just log off when we’re not pvping.