After a short break a real life friend and I are looking for a raiding guild to finish BFA with and go into Shadowlands with. I have played a few different classes this tier and achieved CE on a ranged dps in BoD and week 1-2 aotc every tier on ranged dps and have multiple CE tiers in legion on a warlock. Magetears and I have raided together and played for a long time and looking to find a new home. We do require some assistance getting caught up with gear but we are doing everything we can on our own to speed that process up. If you are interested in two experienced players please feel free to reach out to us!
Please feel free to hit us up on here or add me on
We are looking for decently progressed mythic team who enjoys the game and is looking to push CE. Looking to raid during the week and times are flexable. Prefer to stay Horde.
Warlock - Natow - Area52
Warlock - Magetears - Mal’Ganis