Two people LF AOTC and Mythic raid progression [Area 52]

Looking to get into mythic raiding as well as getting through AOTC. We are expecting to get through AOTC in about a month time or less.

We have multiple AOTC between us and multiple keystone masters.

Our planned classes are:
Me: DK - any spec, Monk - WW or BM
Other person: MW Monk

We are free all weekday early afternoons to nights with myself having some limitations on weekend afternoons

DM me on discord if you’re interested: t7jakk

Some extra qualifications, you can decide if this is a good thing or not.

We both have experience raiding the highest end content in FFXIV

Myself - All ultimates but one, as well as multiple savage tiers
Other - One ultimate clear and multiple savage tiers