Two New WoW Classic Realms Opening In This Region

“But we’re not letting you take anything with you!!!”

god forbid you give us free transfers off of the realms you still have not locked character creation on, new devs dont know how to run a popular mmo.

Most people have 24+ hours played. So, Yea, can we get free server transfers?

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Look, I get it. It sucks to have gone HAM for a day and realized after. But it’s hard to put myself into the shoes of people who took off for launch day. If you know anything, MMO launches are rarely smooth. On top of that, Blizz warned of excessive queue times till they were blue in the face. I’m not defending everything they’ve done but hey, a lot of this was expected it’s more just about how you frame it. I’m sure some players have a right to complain but every lvl10 warrior with a story… cry me a river man takes a couple hours…:man_shrugging:


Lmao this thread is full of tears.


This, blizzard wtf do something. I have almost 30 hours played. Im not rerolling

I’m 26. That’s a lot of time to start fresh. I’m not in highschool like when the game first came out, my time is important.

When did you pass lvl20?

I think 1 free server transfer on the biggest 3 realms Herod, Stalagg, and Faerlina should be in order to move to another server. Honestly seems to make the most sense. Another thing that can be done is upping the cap more, but that’s a doubled edged sword for when they take out layering.

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Wednesday night :slight_smile:

free transfers is probably the solution with more opening up on a certain date, like a second launch, but in order to give something away for free in mass you probably have to go ask another department and have people crunch numbers to make sure its okay, then they also need to make sure when they give all of fairlena free transfers that everyone doesent just move to another server making farliena dead and that one ferliena 2.0 .

the true best solution would be to somehow use the group tool or guild function, with system to guilds and accounts to transfer with a list that greys out servers once they are at an acceptable level of full, and like I said have a launch 2.0 with everyones reserved slots on the servers. then if the game dies down merge server pops for free without phaseing to save on servers andkeep the pops healthy

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Stop kicking me from queue

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because he could be to 60 by now by that logic bruduh

Online yet? not showing up in the list


Same. Cant see them online.

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Just relogged and no luck so …

Maybe they forgot…

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dont see them yet

This was for today… right?

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Classic Blizz, who takes care of your clocks?