Two M+ Hotfix Patches

Zero for pvp this week, mythic plus team is killing it and the intern whose working pvp has fried the playtech my first computer they give him to do balance cycles.

I hope Bill Gates pulls an Elon Musk when/if Microsoft takes over and absolutely cleans house on these overpaid bozos.

What, fire the one person doing pvp tuning then hire them back a few weeks later?

They did it with Holinka :dracthyr_tea:

Microsoft isnt buying Activision to balance World of Warcraft pvp lmao

I thought Holinka was combat systems.

I can fantasize, just like you can fantasize that demo won’t be the best lock spec in 10.1.5

He was lead pvp developer first, then he quit/got fired and came back as that.

Id rather no lock specs be viable


Acceptable terms.

Kind of funny watching my boy 1v1 people on the other side of the map, though.

But Bobby runs the show mate.

i think the problem is theres only one overpaid bozo and the rest is the bare minimum amount they can get away with constructed of underpaid diversity hires/interns


Really just shows you what pays the bills around here. PvP has no future with constant hotfixes to appease us few. Our best hope is for Blizzard to find a way to entice people who don’t PvP to start trying it.

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Just want to remind everyone this exists and PVP is clearly popular, even overtaking raiding, blizz is absolutely blowing it.

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I think our biggest problem is a lot of that poll is probably people doing random BGs. Almost everyone has at least a few honor levels, but arena is just a lot to take on as a first move towards rated PvP.

I played a game tonight against a Frost Mage/SP team. They were pretty good, they just made my life totally miserable while passively killing my DPS. If I hadn’t been playing with a regular I would have just logged, it was an awful gaming experience. That’s not counting all the Rogues, being mowed down by Fury Warriors, RM teams, etc. It’s more annoying than fun to queue into.

I came to arena after spending my first season doing RBGs. I think that’s the net Blizzard needs to be casting, personally. Not that balance isn’t important, I’d just love to see them put some time into trying to get more people intetested.