Two lockouts in P4 is far more punishing than 3 day lock outs of a single level up raid

Actual valid concern.

Blizzard basically gift wraps the “flex raid” argument to those who make it

I dont want to raid twice a week. Everyone will get burnt out in a month unless you’re clearing MC in 30 minutes.

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This is another issue. How long is it going to take to clear all these raids? I have a feeling we will all need to get summoning alts going to get everyone to all these places around the world in a reasonable time too.

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Not even counting if heat levels are hard.

To stay competitive, some guilds will have to raid maybe 4-6 nights a week.

Of course the hardcore guilds will have it easy though. Two nights, two hours per night.

Very strange how everything they’ve done up to now caters to casuals, but then they add the most anti-casual change to the game in P4.

I want hard content, not a loaded schedule.

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The real difficulty of classic has never been the content, but the roster.

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We wanted to just take a quick moment to let you know that we have seen a lot of feedback on this feature and are discussing it as a team. We have quite a lot going on now to prepare for phase 4 including getting the next round of class changes out to PTR, but we hope to sit down talk more about this with you very soon. In the meantime, just know that we hear your concerns on this.

We’d encourage you to continue to provide feedback, but please keep your discussions civil and remember that we all want the same thing; for the game to be fun and engaging and for you to have a lot of content to enjoy should you choose to.

Thank you!


Thank you!

Thanks for posting on the forums Aggrend <3!

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Thank you for actually responding on the actual official forums.

I would suggest having the one boss raids staying twice a week and MC being once a week.


I like this.

Thank you. I was so excited then so let down. I’m a dad and a filthy casual. I can raid Tuesday/thursdsy. But I can’t raid weekends or Mondays. I know I’m not alone but also many can flex. Feels bad missing a whole lock out every week cause I devote time to family and family hobbies. Much love, a still sad warrior.

We’d love to hear more feedback like this too. If you think this is cool for a different type of raid, that’s great to know.


Akaino had a good idea tbh. Make the longer raids once a week (MC/BWL) make the short raids like Ony twice a week.

Ur avrg casuals schedule works better if they can organize one day to a set raiding schedule. Ony being quick means its something they can quickly log on for then log off.


My guild is more than happy with 2 raids per week tbh. We can have 2 raid groups going. More chance of mixxing people that we merged into our guild.

Right now we run raids on wednesdays and sundays and people sign up when they can.
We also are first clearers of raids on CS EU Horde side.

I would keep the change. Please stop trying to cater to people who try and parse every run and those who complain about world buffs etc. My guild is pretty hardcore you could say, but its when we’re pushing it for those juicy first kills then its farm time and it doesnt really matter. Having more raids = more fun instead of there being a drought and people just raid logging once a week after the initial boom.

The guild was definitely more lively with BFD and Gnomer

Also its full 30+s with families and kids etc, and they still manage to find time to raid. Worst case scenario they take “time off” and no one bats an eye.

You could say theyre the silent bunch cause they wont go onto forums and post. You wont hear from them cause theyre all hidden away on discords and dont have time to check forums dont make changes just based on the vocal minority


I think a twice a week lockout works well for the Single Boss raids like Onyxia and the World Bosses as most people can easily make a pug for 1 boss raids and not have an issue with people leaving after a boss.

However for MC and other multi-boss raids I feel it should really be a 1 week lockout. Just increase the loot drops more instead for MC.

Also furthermore, any chance we can still have the world bosses spawning out in the open world? However they are not on a lockout and give 2x the loot compared to their instance counterparts?


The problem with this is you are forced to raid on Monday if you cant weekend raid. If you want to do 2 lockouts a week find a way to make it flexible, but I’m sure your tech wont allow that. I dont want to do MC twice a week. World bosses and even Ony twice a week wouldnt be bad, esp since Ony used to be 5 days.

Also id like to add theres no point making MC 1 week lockout, theres nothing to do outside of raiding in SoD cause the PVP is abysmal for many classes. Specifically mages.

The game feels geared/balanced towards PVE. Taking away raids means theres nothing to do but raidlog once a week and that gets boring fast

Bad days for sure, you are forcing guilds to basically become a weekend raiding guild if they cant work monday into their schedule

Maybe once a week for new raids and when next raid releases the old raid can go 2x week? Just thinking out load but personally I think once a week is plenty.

I second this, or let people choose.