Two in-game "DPS meter alternative" ideas I might suggest implementing

There’s no need to add something that’s already in the game.

DPS meters don’t exist in-game; they’re third-party addons.

Just like it’s bad storytelling to expect players to read wiki pages or watch Lore videos to understand the story, it’s bad game design to expect players to use third-party solutions in order to play the game.

The Train boss in WoD’s Blackrock Foundry is proof of just how bad that can play out.

So you basically want the game to be a micro managing mid level manager like the ones most of us deal at with work on a daily basis? F that.

There’s zero reason for Blizz to add a worse version when details already covers it.

Console gaming may be more your speed.

Being able to do a target dummy rotation is very different to doing a rotation while dealing with mechanics.

DPS meters are there for people who want to push their abilities and do the hardest content. For the people who don’t care about those things, DPS meters are a pointless feature.

Blizzard has made it clear plenty of times that they don’t advocate for or even consider dps numbers or parses part of the game, so the last thing they’re going to do is spend time developing a tool that they don’t support, that the majority of players wouldn’t use, to solve a problem that already has a solution in the form of addons for the people who want it.

If someone can’t even put in the effort to download an addon, what makes you think they have any intention of putting in the effort of trying to min/max their dps in the content they do?

This is the worst idea ive ever seen lol! Probably coming from someone that is in the group of people that doesnt play their class well enough to actually put up good numbers…

Doing subpar damage is actually toxic and griefing. Using words to tell someone their damage is low is not.

If someone got hired to the place you work and couldn’t reply to an email or flip a burger, you’d be upset they get paid the same you do. Same standard goes for any interaction in society.

They died and you still did less dps. Impressively terrible on your part.

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You gotta work hard to come up with an idea this bad. Major props

You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about. You prove as much with the “i tried heroic once” bit.

Guilds die when leadership fails to replace the bad players. The top players leave. This fact is not up for debate.

DPS meters are a tool. Much like most other tools, they can be misused by people who think they know how to use them when they do not.

I personally find them to be wrong a majority of the time. There is no way I am consistently that low on the meter! Must be lag or something.

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This really isn’t a majority, but a vocal minority… Most players recognize DPS meters and logs for what they are. A tool to improve performance, not some epeen shaming tool.

At most, within a friend group, we can compete amongst ourselves. I’ve very rarely seen them used as a derogatory tool, and way more often as a genuine helpful utility to guide personal improvement.

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Or, actually try to learn your class and get better. Only people who refuse to get better get griefed

So far, people hating on these ideas had refused to engage in any sort of conversation about them. Just generic “get gud” responses.

So, let me break things down a bit more simply:

  • Having a target-dummy that actually tells you how much damage you did would be a helpful way for players without addons to get a rough idea how they’re doing. Pretty simple addition, and gives players a means of comparison their performance and actively work towards improving it.

  • Having an anonymous “damage report” at the end of a dungeon would allow players to see how their performance looks compared to others, which would indicate that they may be playing their class incorrectly, without opening them up to ridicule or harassment from other players.

Both of these are fairly simple suggestions, and neither has any bearing whatsoever for players already playing at a higher level. This is literally just here for the lowest common denominator, to give some indication that they could be playing better.

I think they could make m+ a bit more tailored towards new / seeking to improve players by implementing something along the lines of what you suggested but closer to the end of game system hots has.

You basically see the top 5 players of the match and how they contributed in a particular role. For m+ it could be something like highlighting the player with most dispels, interrupts, heals from <10%, damage dealt to targets >60%, it wouldn’t be some definitive source of information but it would at least give complete beginners something to process in terms of what is being asked of them.
I think that would make more sense implementing first before an end of dungeon flat damage dealt tracker is created, and even then I think something like that shouldn’t be just given to everyone, have it as a reward for getting keystone master or something, throwing raw data at people who don’t understand what to do with it accomplishes nothing, and the people who already know what to do with it are fine using addons.
Alot of people playing this game (and on the internet) are extremely soft, they can’t possibly fathom how if someone is toxic in their criticism, there can still be validity in it, they instead just brush it all off as “so and so was a meanie, I should keep being a hinderance on others and ignore everything they say” if the game did it but instead by never mentioning how you’re a special snowflake, maybe players would catch a hint that they should try and improve.

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It was another great example of what I just advised on, and I don’t just mean this one discussion/topic that you can try to reel back like any coping wow payer would.

You also greatly underestimate how many wow payers are less than competitive and are in fact put off and offended by content they can’t complete. Helllooo Mage Tower xD

I like it, a pretty good idea. Neutral, but could give someone the satisfaction of seeing numbers go up

sounds like everything that comes after this is a you problem.

Eh this idea that blizzard needs to add more ui functions is just bleh. While I appreciate the work they did to improve the UI in DF, I still use a multitude of add-ons solely because they simply work better. Blizzard can implement whatever dps meter they want but I’d imagine it would never be as good as details and the overall majority of players just simply wouldnt use it.

I will add though I played ff14 for about 6 months at one point and there is a certain level of comfort and stress relief when add-ons don’t exist. Simply not having a way, at least a legit way, to monitor everyone’s dps makes aspects of the game much more fun.

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