Hello fellow players! We are a AOTC guild recruiting social and raiders to join our casual raid group and maybe even help with progression. This is the end of the expansion and we are currently gearing up for the shadowlands. We are mostly adults and have a great social discord. Our raids are two to three times a week and we raid from 8-10 eastern or server and we provide flask and food. Our raiding has slowed down since we progressed but our casual raids are really fun. If you are not into raiding we still will recruit you! We also help people learn to play and help them with as much as we can. If you want to have a starter guild or a nice place to try and make your gamer home this is it. We would love to have you. Normal raid group tuesdays and thursdays 8-10 and saturday and sunday is 8-10 for heroic progression
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Do you have set days you’re raiding?
yes we raid saturdays and sundays and tuesdays and thursdays
yes we raid saturdays and sundays heroic progression and tuesdays and thursdays for normal