The only way to counter the race changing solution is worgen can now fight in human form, but when using dark flight or racial mount. You’re automatically change to a worgen. Second poster already did the work for OP.
It’s not an answer, though. You may as well say that you shouldn’t play the game.
Here’s a life lesson: ignoring or avoiding an issue does not mean that it has been solved.
okay then it’s not an answer and im wrong, please stop fixating on this “fix” thing when literally my comment was as simple and black and white as you can race change because that’s ALL you can do. Or pressing the two forms button.
Your focus is worgen so stay on that topic. I don’t know what Dracthyr functions are, but they’re not the focus of the concept. I haven’t see players complain about it yet. Worgen however your concept been argue for years since Cataclysm.
That’s asking for Two Forms to be changed from its original intent into something that does not fit the original intent of the racial, nor the overall identity of the race. That’s not something feasible, unless you can whine about it on the scale of High Elves. But I doubt you could muster that, given that Worgen fans can’t even get tails.
All I ask is for the Dracthyr functionality be ported over to Worgen. Simple. Elegant. Does not change or add anything - it simply makes the game more user friendly.
My topic.
They have Two Forms, but they shapeshift back to humanoid form when leaving combat.
They are now that they have the exact functionality being asked for.
They did complain: they complained that it was working too well, in fact.
It has. And Dracthyr got our solution first.
Being wrong is fine! I’m wrong all the time. Admitting that is the only way that you can actually evolve as a person.
It was fixated upon because it wasn’t relevant to the discussion being had. Race changing is not “ALL you can do.” It isn’t a relevant option, in the context of this discussion.
Yeah I feel ya. Sorry for coming off in a certain way or whatever.
Not the greatest apology I’ve ever heard, but I will acknowledge the attempt at having a little grace and humility. An apology isn’t required, however. It is the acknowledgement that is appreciated.
Tangentially-related story, but once I started working in an industrial setting, I learned to stop habitually apologizing really quickly. Save the apologies for when you’ve actually wronged people. Having an unsupportable argument isn’t necessarily wronging someone.
For those who like it I guess. What about those who disagree with it? They don’t matter? If anything be more game user friendly is second poster concept. Why be stuck in worgen form just combat when you do it in human form. Improvise the racial than make it a copy and paste function from another race. That way it’s unique than a bland concept.
You only have one source for it though, but it’s kind of bland concept and already been countered by a user. Second poster in your thread already has the better concept. When using racial skills you’re brought back to the main form which will be Dracthyr or Worgen. When not using those racial skills you can fight in the human / elf form.
That’s the better outcome of it making it more appealing and user friendly to those desiring the two races.
They don’t factor into it at all, because literally nothing changes for them.
Why be a worgen if you don’t want to be a worgen? This is where race changes to Human come into play.
Asking for something to be overcomplicated with conditionals that no one agrees on is not likely to actually be something Blizzard listens to. Asking for a simple fix to introduce proven functionality is a much smaller request.
Countered? They asked for something entirely different. Count up the Likes if you want to assign arbitrary validity to either request.
They don’t carry human racial benefits. It’s only unique to them, but I guess no one from April thought of the concept until now.
Your concept is from April and the provided link is from July. Clearly Blizzard is uninterested with both concepts regardless of likes. It’s not unique to their eyes or else something would of been done by now. Overall you’re beating a dead horse.
If you wanna be human, play a human…
I guarantee that’s how Blizzard sees it at this point.
Good, I hope you’re right.
Well make a concept that’ll spark up Blizzard to make the attempt.
If I wasn’t there would be articles about it on Twitter and IGN. Article be like “Worgen race are getting tweaked” or something of that latter.
No need. I think it a bold assumption to think that the content of this thread has been communicated to and dismissed by the development team.
Given that they’ve just done the legwork to make this change functional with Dracthyr, it’s just about getting someone to glance at it and put it on the “to do” list. There’s no reason to completely reinvent the wheel, here, wasting my time and theirs to conceive of something when the functionality that is desired has just been made available.
Which is sad because Blizzard promised to (in cata after they broke the auto transform addon) to come up with a solution for worgen to automatically transform out of combat to humans.
The opposite actually, bashiok posted on the old WoW forums about it;
On the bottum of the page;
“The Worgen transform system was changed to fit in better with our spell system in 4.1. It now acts as a spell, and can be macro’ed and cast like any other spell. As a consequence, though, you have to hit a button to change. We’ll look to see if we can provide an easy way to automate it in a future patch.”
He is refeerencing addons that used to work with two forms to allow worgen to automatically transform out of combat being broken from the change in the racial.
It was a promised thing for Worgen, not some to do list item.
you could always race change to human to fix this issue
I have read your conversation above.
I will ask you to please stop trolling this thread.
Also, if you truely beleive your response is an answer, then please go to the countless dracthyr threads and tell all those players to play as either a human/blood elf if they do not want to play as a dragon. thank you.