Two dwarf axes, neither match their heritage armor

Why do you do things like this, blizz? You nailed it once by adding proper heritage weapons for the dark irons and nightborne. People like their gear to match. That’s why transmog is such a huge part of the game. Is this payback for everyone telling you they hated the colour changing on the warden armor?

Unless it turns out you’re about to give dwarves two heritage recolours which match these axes. In which case, hell yeah.


The colors do seem off, but the patterns and shape seem to really match. Especially the patterns on the gauntlet cuffs and the inlay on the axe.

The Ruby gem on the pauldrons and the axe look matching. But, yeah, the gold color is either too yellow or too orange to match from the light you’re in

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Don’t you know, there are 10000+ different shades of gold in WoW, and NONE of them match. It’s in the fine print somewhere.


These kind of small differences in colour really pick at me, I agree with you OP!


The dwarf-only paladin mount doesn’t match the heritage armor either, while the DID paladin mount matches theirs perfectly.


It’s honestly amazing that after 19 years of wow they have yet to set up a consistent color template for gear.

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The Dark Irons do seem like the slicker, more stylish and cosmopolitan flavor of dwarf so they probably took pains to make symmetry with their look

Cuz dwarves use hammers, not axes


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The ruby is the part that especially frustrates me because it makes me think they intended this to be the matching colour.

It’s the dressing room so the light should be as neutral as can be.

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It just blows my mind that DID paladins have three mounts to match their heritage armor and dwarves can’t even get one.

I hope they introduce one in the future. Or maybe a glyph that will turn their mount to Ironforge colors instead of Stormwind.


Well, at least I don’t need to buy the BMAH axe anymore. Waste of developer time, if they can’t even get the color right.

What are the three mounts? I know of the standard one and the charger.

They use both you uncultered rock!


They get a corehound for their racial, a dark iron hound for doing the weapon’s quest and the default paladin mount.


There’s a reason why I didn’t purchase any of the class “sets” from the Trading Post. lol

Yeah dark irons got a lot of love. Which I am very ok with. They’re an awesome race. It would just be nice if everyone else got the same.


The only one I got was the helf mage looking one, and yes it also doesn’t match anything buuut it’s a price I’m willing to pay lol


I really thought the mage pieces would match the 7th legion gear. Again, it’s close. But the colours are just slightly off!

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Their faction icon only includes hammer, same with the ironforge tabard:

I knew they wouldn’t since I looked in the wowhead dressing room, but that didn’t stop me from getting them for my helf mage! Hoping they’ll add in the rest of those ‘sets’ at some point.

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