TWiW: The War Within, WoW Remix, Support a Streamer, Twitch Drops, and More!

Why are you sorry? I said I was impressed by your extra cool hatred of things that are popular. You’re truly an impressive person and so brave to share your incredibly unique and super duper special opinions. I can’t wait for your next hot take.

And just like most Gen X, if you think I gaf about your trolling, youre wrong. Im not even interested enough to poke the bear on this one cause you already bore me.

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The Twitch Within.

Luckily this practice of pushing players to Twitch to push ratings up will be illegal as of October.

I knew you were gen x. lmao, bye sis!

PS. Hating things other people like, does not in fact make you cool.

If you think people speaking up is “trolling” when we’re tired of hipsters like you pretending that you’re the arbiter of what’s acceptable media to enjoy and what isn’t, then I’m not sure you’re capable of answering my next question.

What exactly are you doing if it isn’t trolling when you made sure the first reply to the thread was negative and hateful? It offered no inquiry, or information. Just negativity for negativities sake.

Also, it’s pretty WEIRD to pick and chose which form of social media is acceptable, streamers provide a place for people to share with each other the things the enjoy. It’s no different that the WoW forums, it’s the same thing but more efficient.


it sounds like you created an idea of what streamers do in your head and are disappointed that’s not what most of them do.

do you have a link to an article on this? i hadn’t heard!

Enlighten me, what is the purpose of a streamer… to entertain us? What makes a streamer popular? Why do people love Asmonbald…

I am not allowed to share my link to the FTC news.

However, APNews, Reuters and other news outlets are reporting it since it is a massive change to businesses / advertising / marketing

What an ugly acronym.

…And the winner for the most butchered abbreviation of The War Within goes to…


Speedrunning, Glitch hunting, Mod previews, Griefing vids, OutragousKev’s CoD vids…

Nobody’s saying you have to.

Don’t know why everything around here needs to be so dramatic. :woman_shrugging:

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Sorry. Would rather play than watch. That stuff is not entertaining to me.

This Week in WoW = TWiW

yes, that’s my understanding. they can be entertaining without teaching you how to play or sharing tips and tricks.

couldn’t tell you. i have no interest in him and have never found his stuff appealing.

all in all i think there’s a perception that “streamers” are all people who talk about the game a lot without maybe playing it much (or at all), make clickbait videos, etc.

that’s a small percentage of the people out there. the ones i enjoy watching and hanging out with are just ordinary wow players who like playing with others and meeting people. they’re chatting with the people watching them, running games and giveaways, and so on. the analogy i like is that it’s like going to a sports bar to watch a game, not sitting at home watching one on TV. you’re in a ‘room’ with lots of other people who all have at least this one common interest – you’re chatting, asking questions, making jokes, and sometimes joining the group for a key or a raid.

basically, there’s a big middle ground between “somebody just staring at the camera while they play silently for hours” and “mega-streamer with 100k followers who talks about the game endlessly but hasn’t actually played since legion”

Oh no, i understand. I’m simply saying the things i’ve listed out are more entertaining then watching Twitch.

And oddly educational. Do you know if you knife people in Call of Duty, they will get giga mad? :laughing:

Ik. Just a silly i made because out of context, it looked like they butchered their own Expac name. Something we have been doing since it’s inception lol. :laughing:

Then why is Asmongold’s stream chat filled with so many kids who think mom jokes are funny. Asmon himself seems mature and likable, but he attracts toddlers…

Despite all the hate you’re getting, I agree. If it was happening now, I would probably watch someone play a bit, but this is after launch lol. Who wants to watch everyone enjoying the new expansion rather than play it themselves? :rofl:

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Exactly. Live it, don’t just watch it.

so brave