TWiW: The War Within, WoW Remix, Support a Streamer, Twitch Drops, and More!

Support a Streamer? You mean Artificially Inflate Streamers…worked great to fake Overwatch 2 numbers for sure…and Twitch allows it to sell ads to afk viewers…

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I guess that’s all it is. Other people browsing twitch see WoW doing these massive numbers and think, “Oh man that game must be amazing!”

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You’re like the coolest person I’ve ever seen. I just love the way you hate the thought of watching a streamer. You must be like one of those super cool gen x guys or gals that’ve finally been awoken and now everyone’s gonna see your power. I’ve always been impressed by people who are waaaaaaaaay above doing anything that’s popular or trendy. Reading your post is almost like a whole episode of Daria, the whole “too cool to experience joy” vibe is just stellar.

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I’ve seen players write TWIW in reference to the expansion, and I’m pretty sure it’s because they also saw a TWIW post and it just auto-uploaded into their brain. It’s awkward messaging but I understand why it would be overlooked and used the way it is.

This week in wow. TWiW


Why support a streamer? Is streaming a charity? Some streamers are good at it, and some shouldn’t be a streamer at all, they just don’t realize it.

If a streamer has average WoW skills, then that streamer better be a pretty female with big… um… ambitions…

Those are the ones I watch.

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They did say they would have the stream on. That’s all that really matters right?

In the end, yep. They’re still providing $ to the streamer. In fact, participating with the streamer in chat would actually be more work for the streamer.

I thought a streamer should be better then average… they are supposed to be an excellent WoW player and us normal players will learn something from watching their stream.

But whenever I join a stream, its just some guy collecting 15 owl feathers or something for a quest. There was a streamer on Moon Guard recently who was just doing BGs and while waiting for one to pop, he just wandered around SW telling people he was a streamer.

Hey! Hey! You’re not supposed to acknowledge us super cool GenX people. We’re INVISIBLE. Sheesh. :wink:

Yes, we’re packing the titles with a LOT of information. We’ll keep working on it so it’s a little less confusing. Maybe… :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Community Manager, take this to your supervisor. I won’t support Streamers, and I find your use of them in beta was insane. Don’t tell me it was an alpha either, as someone in this industry I know better.

Have a nice day.

It’s a very big industry with lots of variations and moving parts. Thank you for the well wishes though. I hope you have a fantastic weekend as well and don’t forget to finish up in Remix!


mHhhmmmmm… my thoughts exactly.

Judging by the buggy/glitchy crap that’s been pooped out so far (seems like the most bugged prepatch in WoW history :flushed:), this expansion needs - at a MINIMUM - another 2-3 months “in the oven”

Judging by the ongoing bugs, it’s simply not ready for live

That’s it, yeah. It’s just free advertising.

This is exactly the level of sass I want to see from CMs lol

Nice to see ya again Neth!


I hope you have a nice weekend as well.


Ya, I was really hoping they would clarify that they are at least aware of the exploits people used in remix. But seems like they quietly removed the gold resell value on the item being exploited, but didn’t do anything else? Did a streamer exploit it, and can’t ban anyone now?

Sorry if im not gen z cool who thinks watching someone else play a video game is top content. Only have the app for these drops anyway

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We have been BEGGING in REMIX for months now… vendor Arsenals for all the weapons transmogs (xmogs) that are in Remix but NOT on the vendors - world drops, raid drops, dungeon drops & scenario drops. I bought everything 2 months ago and now have ANOTHER 1.6+ mill bronze to spend… but instead have been slogging through all the Remix content for a slight pittance of the missing transmog weapons. HELP us the All the Things discord has been blowing up about it! Wowhead requested it 3 months ago … <3

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This Week in Warcraft.

