TWiW: Rise of the Zandalari, Season of Discovery Phase 4, and More

TWiW: Rise of the Zandalari, Season of Discovery Phase 4, and More

This Week in WoW—Catch up on the latest World of Warcraft news from the last week!

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Neat! What’s the archaeology requirement for the extra boss in WoW cata? I guess I will go on my cute little stinky druid who leveled up doing some arch😍 but he is only 400 I think

Ok, someone help me out here, TWiW?

Oh My Goodness never mind. :person_facepalming:


The War in Within


Had me as well.

The War in With?

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wait, the expac changed its name to the war in within ???


That’s honestly where my brain went too :slight_smile:

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The mounts probably have a ridiculously low drop rate so you will never get them.

This week in warcraft? or this week in wow?