Twitch Viewership. WoW 52k. FF14 15k. LAWL

Without Asmon, seems like no one gives a crap about FF14. It’s as boring to watch ff14 as it is to play.

Please tell me again this game is killing WoW…

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Thanks for another thread on FFXIV. Proves its popularity


wow IS KILLING wow

I agree with Josh.


I wonder how much his management team is making off Asmongold?

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Because people are playing the game, instead?

FFXIV is a very hard and boring game to stream–not because it’s difficult, but mainly because its focus is purely on the story aspect and all things tied to progression have very heavy story elements. That either does not appeal to people or they don’t want the story spoiled.

On top of that, the only thing exciting to even watch would be the 8-man and 24-man content runs and those will happen few and far in between.


my goodness other people like different things than me

the audacity


Asmongold could have potentially tanked Blizzard’s retail sub count for Q2 if he had begun playing FFXIV in mid-June.

The devs should thank their lucky stars that he started playing in July. Or pay extra to whomever persuaded or lobbied Asmon to not play in June right after he had finished Kara in BC classic.

FF14 is not killing WoW, the only people saying that are bored doomsayers who clearly have nothing else to do other than complain and talk trash. The truth is that FF14 has never sought to, nor ever will compete with WoW, on any level, for anything. They’re two completely different niche games that have their own style and don’t need to fight over anything because their players never had a lot of common ground to begin with anyway. Both fandoms have existed separately for years and they will continue to do so. Asmongold will get over playing it and will move on.