Twitch viewership is dropping

As a big fan of Arena streamers, I have noticed over the course of the past week or two that the overall numbers for all Twitch viewers who only do Arena are dropping.

Pikaboo saw a 56% viewership decrease in less than a week, Venruki with almost a whopping 64% and there were a couple others who are losing viewers as well.

I know many of you are big fans of streamers as well, and Twitch is a very vital part of the PvP scene and we need to help preserve it so we can have dedicated content creators.

What are some things we can do to help out the Twitch scene? It feels bad seeing Arena getting lower and lower viewership as time goes on.


Dang, that is devastating news. Keep us posted.


who cares

well i know i did my part did you guys do your part?

hope you did


Will do, there were several Arena YouTubers who recently quit as well which is sad news.

You do realize they provide guides and tips for new players right? They are a big resource bank for us. We need to support them.

then make a youtube video on youtube about this topic and includ them making a HUUUUUGE soyface to lure people in

this is the forums, not the AI generated topics discussion


Me when the lobby is three warriors and a hunter.


Yeah a couple of those guys quit already, if you look up certain spec guides they haven’t been updated for months because Arena content gets low viewership.

This is an issue that we all have to help with, or it’ll only get worse and we won’t have people making content.

For new healers in RSS, Absterge is putting up guides for all the healing specs over the next couple of days.


I’m glad guys like Absterge can still be around to help new healers out, some of the other YouTubers straight up can’t afford the time to make guides anymore.

I just hope Absterge can keep getting support so he can keep informing players and we don’t lose him as well.



noone except sadists play this game and dont really care about what builds meta when they can just reroll to WW and 400k RSK

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Man you sound like you’re so done with the game lol, why do you still continue to play if you hate it so much and don’t care about the community?

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I get it’s funny and all but why do you have to go and look him in the eyes when he posts?

The silent report is supreme.

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ive hated the game since i started playing in 2006

also the community coexists and hates eachother but works together (not with you btw)

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Sounds like a personal problem then, I love WoW. Sorry you feel that way, hopefully you find something you enjoy doing.

well its posting here without the use of AI software to increase my summaries like count and forum post count like its a facebook account

i hope his disc guide just says “reroll”


seems like there must be something going on in wow/twitch/gaming to have that kind of effect

gl to the streamers tho, they should come around the forums imo maybe do some canvassing as they share their insights

lmao pika on his alt account begging for viewers to watch him lose 1600 games


link me the 400k rsk build

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He made a bit of a typo because the 400k rsk build is actually brm, not ww.

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