As a big fan of Arena streamers, I have noticed over the course of the past week or two that the overall numbers for all Twitch viewers who only do Arena are dropping.
Pikaboo saw a 56% viewership decrease in less than a week, Venruki with almost a whopping 64% and there were a couple others who are losing viewers as well.
I know many of you are big fans of streamers as well, and Twitch is a very vital part of the PvP scene and we need to help preserve it so we can have dedicated content creators.
What are some things we can do to help out the Twitch scene? It feels bad seeing Arena getting lower and lower viewership as time goes on.
Yeah a couple of those guys quit already, if you look up certain spec guides they haven’t been updated for months because Arena content gets low viewership.
This is an issue that we all have to help with, or it’ll only get worse and we won’t have people making content.
I’m glad guys like Absterge can still be around to help new healers out, some of the other YouTubers straight up can’t afford the time to make guides anymore.
I just hope Absterge can keep getting support so he can keep informing players and we don’t lose him as well.