Twitch drops

With the next tcg rewards just shared i was thinking they should add elite pvp gear and the gladiator mounts to twitch drops as well. Let people enjoy the game imo

There is a difference between promotional items, and items that people worked hard for. I am 99% sure that giving Elite PvP Sets and Gladiator Mounts for free, would result in a lot of business lost.


People literal buy gladiator pilots with gold and even rl money in the past, so could you elaborate?

Gladiator mounts no…

Elite PvP sets on the other hand it would be nice to have a Vicious Saddle like system as I and many others see those sets as a participation reward like the seasonal mount.

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Nah, mounts too. With the amount of cheaters, exploiters, and carries that have the gladiator mounts they should incentivize just like the tcg stuff.

Yea should just turn pvp into the mini-game it is and just let all the rewards be bought with honor


I blame solo shuffle.

I know this is bait. It has to be considering everything. But still, no.

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oh man. I don’t have to shell out half a gold cap for a blazing hippogryph now!!!

Nah, not the glad mounts. They shouldn’t be given away or return. At most maybe a unused skin (like an armored netherdrake etc) from world content or added to the Vicious Saddle vendor.

Oh definitely a bait, the OP is a throw away troll character with 0 prior posts. We need BNet Tags for the forums like the other games forums (Diablo, Hearthstone etc).

But I’m bored at work so thats why I’m taking the bait.

Why is it bait? You arent completely wrong, but idk why it would matter? The rated pvp board has basically the same base that continually achieves gladiator so idk if they would care.

You okay kid? Just because i dont live on the forums doesnt mean you have to try and dissect everything ive said. I just dont see why gladiator mounts especially from BC and Cata are locked.

Ya because generally those are the best players in the world and play at a high level. There is a reason why most Race to World 1st are won by the same 2 teams each raid tier.

It’s pretty clear you are posting on a throw away character that had 0 posts prior for the intent to troll given the title and opening post.

Gladiator mounts are locked because they required you to be in the top X% to get. It should stay that way.

You have seasonal mounts (look at the Vicious Saddle system) like the current Vicious Sabertooth which you get after filling a bar by winning rated games above 1000 rating (used to be 1200), it’s the participation mount.

In season 2 of Dragonflight there will be a new Vicious Mount and you can still acquire the Vicious Sabertooth from a vendor by acquiring a Vicious Saddle (filling the same bar up during the season after getting the seasonal mount) to obtain the Vicious Sabertooth or any other prior Vicious mount from past seasons.

Tldr. However, what i post on is irrelevant and youre coming off creepy/stalkerish. Please stop lol im just here to discuss something i was thinking about, and not who i am, or what my bnet is. Id rather not engage with you anymore.

Because they’re a trophy for being okay at arena during that period.


It matters because you’re comparing two things which have absolutely zero reason to be compared. PvP elite rewards are not the same thing as TCG items, and acting like they should both be distributed in the same manner for any reason is kind of silly.


No I’m just discussing, and pointing out you’re troll behavior.

BTags make it so you cant hide behind throw away characters it’s summed up well here:

They are not gonna give away items that are rewards from content, they are just giving away shop and tcg items that are no longer in the game


what would bnet tags do here?

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It would mean we could see all your forum posts despite what character you toggle on. Also makes ignoring trolls easier because if I ignore a person and they just use another throw away character I’ll already be ignoring them instead of how it is now with it being a per character basis.

TLDR: Trolls won’t be able to hide behind throw away characters.