So I accumulated all the watch hours in the first couple days and claimed the mount, waited 4 days and still no mount. My accounts are linked, I have not changed the password or information, and I’ve received all other twitch drops that I have claimed in the past so I cant imagine what the issue is. Please help if you can thank you
Just want to add to this and say the same thing happened to me. I accumulated all the required hours, claimed both items from my Twitch account page, and still haven’t received the rewards in game yet.
just checked mine as well been 4 days since i claimed my windsteed drop and still not available in game sad thing is i got the fireworks for the world first thing right after i claimed it but still waiting for windsteed
(I was just adding a topic of my own about this exact subject so i’m going to paste what i had written for that)
After successfully claiming the Cenarion Hatchling both in twitch and in game, I immediately watched the 4 hours for the Swift Windsteed and Claimed it on twitch. This was at a time which many other people were on twitch for (presumably) the same reason. So when the mount did not show up in my notifications quickly, I chalked it up as a bunch of people claiming around the same time and decided to check the next day. It has now been 7 days and the Mount has yet to appear. Twitch still says I claimed this mount already. I have a screenshot as proof of that at least.
Same issue here, I summed it up to people just claiming at the same time, but after 4/5days of waiting and still nothing, figured I’d check the forums.
@blizzard need to look at addressing this issue, it has now been over 10 days since i claimed this in twitch and it is still yet to show up. I have been able to successfully claim all other drops so far, so there has been no issue with my account being linked. It shows in Twitch as being claimed, and they have reported back to me that the issue is with Blizzard and to come here and log a request to resolve.
I know that Blizzard are a small indy company and are struggling to make budget, even having to cancel this years xmas party, but this is a digital item that people have earned through your hoop jumping and it shouldnt be this hard or this long in the tooth to get a resolution it.
I’m on this same boat. Had no problem with the fel drake, but this one it’s been more than a week. Worst of all it’s I opened a ticket, Blizzard proceeds to mark it “resolved” with this response that it’s just absurd:
“We understand it is frustrating not receiving a drop especially when you are sure the accounts are linked correctly.
It is important to clarify that Customer Support have no way to verify directly what happened or to manually grant the Twitch rewards. We expect at least a 24-48 hour wait before the items are delivered in game, however we have seen cases in which the rewards have been delivered after a week. Also remember to always check that you have removed all ad/pop-up blockers which may prevent you to get the drop in the first place.
With this said the developers are looking into the issue for all the affected players and fans, so for now we ask you to be patient. We cannot guarantee that you will get the drop/s you mentioned.
I hope this clarifies the situation for you. I want to thank you for your patience and understanding and wish you all the best. ”
Still haven’t received my Swift Windsteed. The Feldrake and Cenarion Hatchling came almost immediately, but the Windsteed is still missing. A blue post on the EU forums have said they are investigating it, but that was almost two weeks ago. I have a screenshot of my Twitch account logged in showing it has been claimed. Can we get some kind of update on what is going on with this?
I had no issue receiving the following Twitch drops:
Dragon Kite Pet (Last month)
Feldrake Mount (Last month)
Cenarion Hatchling Pet (25 days ago)
Perpetual Purple Firework (20 days ago)
I did not receive:
Swift Windsteed Mount (claimed 24 days ago)
I can confirm that I have claimed the drops on Twitch.
I can confirm that I have my Twitch account linked on my account management page.
I can confirm I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting my Twitch account to no avail.
I can confirm that I have waited 24-48 hours.
The only thing I haven’t tried is disconnecting my account from Twitch’s end. Is that likely to cause further problems?