Sup poly. team nemesis captain here!
Oh man, I remember you!
Good lord that was so long ago.
Therza, alot of old one tribe members ended up on Whitemane horde. I have their discord if you want to shoot me your bnet or discord name.
I remember you man. Such good times. You playing classic??
Ended up moving to Deviate Delight due to queues and Wano’s schedule.
Maybe see you guys in BGs still someday. =P
I was in RuLu on TN back in the day too. <3
I haven’t yet started on Classic though.
Happen to remember a drunk resto shaman named Jacenty? I used to heal in Kara during BC… I raided with Ketimuth and some others.
Hey dude, idk if you remember me, I was Jitakimiri the UD warlock in “Alliance” back in vanilla.
We used to hang out a lot, I remember a particular quest we were working on in Feralas, killing ogres - you had just gotten a nice 2H and were just about one-shotting them, lol
Hesp what server you end up on?
Therza#2917 is my discord name and thx a lot
If Daly doesn’t find this thread searching for his name this is truly the darkest timeline
I found this thread searching for my name.
Hi Nonek and other Horde type Pals! I play on Devaite Delight now because I hate queues and I’m playing on the other side this go round. Feel free to say hi.
If anyone remembers me I was a night elf rogue named “numdiar” then I transferred off and brought an undead priest to the server by the same name. I did arena a lot during season 2-3 and spammed the realm forums a lot.
discord Rothj#3633
Clys, undead rogue.
I was in various guilds. Got kicked out of most of them.
I haven’t PVP’d in years, though. I’m on Bloodsail Buccaneers in Classic.
I do miss the RP. It was excellent.
I was Jitakimiri, UD warlock back in vanilla - (posting using my druid this time, because although I thought I wanted to relive a warlock, it turns out I’d rather vanilla something new)
Just going to post names of people I remember:
Weirly (druid)
Hoody (Warrior)
Makyla (Priest)
Jaqh (sorry, forgot your class!)
Striderhiryu (Rogue)
Jacenty (Shaman)
Plantronic (Shaman)
Alysius (Warlock)
Nofu (Rogue)
Bhorz (Shaman)
Cooney (Mage)
Ahnknu (Warrior?)
Thoraggar (Warrior)
Andoy (Hunter)
Mortish (Warrior)
Rannoch (Shaman? I think?)
I know I’ve forgotten many names, I’ll update the list as (if) I remember more. I’ve been through numerous guilds on a few different servers since 2005 - Met and played with so many people - Hopefully I can reconnect with some of you =)
Hello all,
I was known as Redcap the Rogue. I played with The Grim.
I also played a Warlock named Vendaria. I did some RP and raiding, pvp and just miss all of you folks.
I have reconnected with my old guild and am having a great time.
Has anyone seen Mintche? He and I leveled up during the same time and he wasn’t in Grim and I haven’t seen him in years.
Hit me up here if any of you remember me.
Lok’tar Ogar!
I was planning on it, waiting to see where a majority of friends ended up.
Snout, Orc Hunter…
Gosh these posts bring back some memories with regards to guild names and the like. It’s however been so long since I’ve played, I don’t remember much.
I left, never looked back, way back when BC was released.
Hello again…
Playing on DD, Horde of course…
I was Ellsbeth and Keeju in vanilla.
Playing on Grobbulus for Classic and loving it.
Say hi if you remember me!
Looking for a couple people from back in the day Horde:
Anyone who was in the guild called Fight on the Flag.
I remember you, although I can’t remember which toon I played back then. I haven’t really been playing a lot but im in a discord with a lot of the old One Tribe guys who are.
Pharaslave - warlock
Harlow - hunter
Harowin - spriest