I definitely know this fool.
Team Nem ftw.
Lachdanon here
Undead Warlock
Forgotten Legion
Xentok - Tauren Druid
Bamf - Troll hunter
Soulwarrior - Tauren Hunter apart of BloodPact and Blitzkrieg. Before ultimately becoming Vlademere the holy paladin of blitzkrieg.
A solid Holy Paladin by my memory!
To all the people who played in forgotten legion, Fates Hand, HSM and later Chillin and Killin we are reforming on Thalnos.
P.S. I was
Crackfrace Orc hunter and
Beefshield Tauren Warrior
Also Thuud orc warrior from HSM
If interested find Jasper or
Beefshield#1793 when launch
Syreena, Forsaken rogue, The Grim
The Grim is still alive and kicking. We transferred over to Wyrmrest Accord right before BfA launch. Some of us are rolling on Grobbulus for Classic.
Hey Judiz this is Inebriated I used to be Vattican/Lavandar Troll Holy Priest
Troll Priest
I remember Fates Hand, i think they let us in on an Ony kill after our GM died in a motorcycle crash?
looking forward to playing with some of you guys, RP-PVP server again?
Hey man it’s Rayea undead mage. If Fates goes again I’m in. Savan is still on my real ID list so I’ll stalk him. I’m on Thalanos it looks like some others are there.
Lovecraftian/Mcspoon (Forsaken Priest/Rogue) and Phey/CheepCheeps (Forsaken Warlock/Tauren Druid) here. We were in HSM. Previously, I had been in Arkham. Never, Winny, and others, you can catch us on Whitemane. We’re considering Grob, too.
I would also be down to play with others from the guilds we went on to run, especially Use Map Settings. Demph, Ken, etc., hit us up. Sorry to use first names when I forgot your character name. :>
Apologies to Ryutatsu, wherever you are, hope you’re doing well.
Hey there. I remember you from Fates Hand. I was Chuxup, Tauren Warrior at the time when I played with you.
Hey Senjull,
I think I remember you from One Tribe. I was Livis, Undead Rogue.
Livis - Undead Rogue
Chuxup - Tauren Warrior
I started in One Tribe with Hufar as our GM. In BC I played my Warrior and joined Fates Hand for the raids. Later in BC I also had my Rogue in the PvP guild Merciless. Was friends with people in Forgotten Legion and HSM as well.
Kilarti here, Troll Shaman, past member of Bloodpact, DBC, HSM among other guilds. Chawana, Chawano, Judiz, Lunafreya, Moolishus, and Polydectes are all names I recognize.
Hoping to see Beggan make an appearance. lol…
What’s good Kilarti! Good to see the borrowed time tag still being sported. Me and Beggan use to go at it in the halls outside of MC/BWL. Would be awesome to see him pop back in.
Well blast from the past in all of these. Recognize some names there still that’s crazy.
Liteheal undead priest in Echelon and the other previous names of it I can’t recall but Good Players was the guild that first merged with Nautiks guild before it become what it was.
I see myself in the Odon’s troll video with our A team way back when and also the Zmack video - Good times to be had! Glad a buddy of mine sent this thread to me.
Hope to see some more Echelon members pop up curious where people are!
Rurik, Orc, Hunter - Warlord
Echelon, Invictus, One Tribe, Advent Oblivion, Merciless, Inferi
Terracota Undead Priest of ‘Echelon’ (for a very hot minute)
Anyone from the old ‘Stacked Deck’ from Laughing Skull still around? You would better remember me as ‘Amoon’. You dudes were fun!