Twisting Nether Alliance Reconnections

Lol, hey Wipeout, we’re still on realid but I don’t think we’ve done anything since cata (maybe mop? it’s been a while).
Still here on TN as always, messing around with Herms in 8.2. I’ll probably be knocking around on grob when it comes out here and there (wish the server had a better name).

Fun seeing all the names in here, pretty nostalgic. I’ll have to look through some of my vanilla screenshots to see what other TN names I can think of.


I played on TN from launch of BC (played classic on a different server) but most of my raiding years were on this server so figured I would reply.

Josei Draenei Shaman - Pro Lucror/First Legion

Add me if ya’ll still around/plan to play classic again Cuddlebotz#1185


Kerrala :wink:

Been a while! When I was trying to come up with names for my classic gnome warrior, I kept coming back to “wipeout”. In the end, I settled for “Nil” on Faerlina, I also captured “Kerrala” for a night elf.

Still debating if I want to go with the gnome or the nelf… gnome is better in combat, but nelf is safer for world pvp

Oh my gosh I still have a screenshot that you took of my Tauren warrior getting a cheesy HK of Kerrala after a duel. You beat me in the duel and then I killed you since we were opposite faction. Still feel bad about it.

I’ll try to dig it up.

I recall some teasing about you having an “afk” button your your UI haha. Such a great time in the game.

I’ll be Alliance again on Grobbulus, the only rppvp server as of now. Anyone rolling there feel free to tag me on battlenet. Ballsofsteel#1991

The guild/discord I’m in has a full roster but will be accepting exceptional players. Cheers!


Rasgriz Night Elf Rogue was in Goldshire dueling alot and socializing back in the day.
Ill be on Herod Horde side

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So we doing this again boo? :kissing_heart: Red Sector A v2?


Audies Human Paladin and Priest. Raided with Pro Lucror, Saintz and Resurrection.

Shout out if you’re out there:
and many others from First Legion, Pro Lucror and holy crap it’s Ansem and Wipeout. ;monkagiga:


Brigitte the dwarf rogue. Was in a guild called Peace Bringers, the Ironforge Regiment and maybe a couple others I don’t recall… it was a long time ago. Used to have a lot of fun with a lot of people way back when. Sadly, someone already took my name on the new RPPVP server, but I did manage to snag Bridgett


Oh boy, I remember you! Weren’t we in Peace Bringers together for a time?

Comrade! What’s up man! Dunno if you remember me but I was Denius, nelf druid in RSA, you always cracked me up during our raids lol

I honestly remember just about every core RSA member, I’d love to have the core back. I also remember a lot of others from other guilds, as I was almost always on 04-06. Some more than others like Booth, Hurdy, Bateman, Bastion(didn’t like me :stuck_out_tongue:) , Lumix, Stryke (:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:), Smyte, and so many others I can’t remember off my head (and other names that were already posted). I wish I had an old guild/server list I’d recognize so many names! There is a part one at warcraftrealms(dotcom)/guildexes/399718 but it’s missing quite a few names on it. I can’t even find any of my vanilla videos or screen shots. :sob:

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Hi Brigitte! I was in the Ironforge Regiment back in the day. My main character was Sitarine, a dwarf hunter, and I worked my way up through the ranks to Captain of the Ironfist Company. I also had my priest in the guild, my character’s “sister,” Sitara. My husband was also in the guild with Collantinus, a warrior. We had a wedding for our characters in-game right before we got married IRL. Nice to see someone from the good old days!


I remember there was a night elf named after a clothing brand! Was it “Northface”?

lmao Bastion, it always cracked me up how annoyed he would get. I got the 2 videos I made for us on my youtube, add me on discord Cream#3294 and I’ll send them to you! I have Hurdy on my friends list on steam but he hasn’t been online in a couple months

Yeah! We had three main druids in our group it was Lumix, Northface and I, had a few others now and then

Oh man, Lumix, that takes me back to memories I’ve long since forgotten

yo sign me up for this Red Sector A guild chat discord, if you’ll have me!

If you’re rolling on the rp-pvp server, I probably won’t see you though :frowning: . Any one who knew me would understand why I can’t pass up the opportunity to try out the streamer PvP server… I’m so very interested to see what happens when old school wow hits modern media

Anyone here from the guild Antagonist? We harassed the crap out of the Horde. Also Warstorm? any patrons or staff from Semags Tavern in the Dwarven District? Ah the nostalgia is thick! -Coronad/Atoth

Miss all of you guys and gals!

me and my buddy were in Ambition…remember you. We were the two Night elf sisters.