|<twisted elements>|horde-stalagg|pvp|na|tues/wed/fri|raid times 8:30pm - 11:00pm est & 10:30pm - 01:00am est|semi-hardcore|loot council|


This guild is about a strong sense of community and involvement. We currently have 10+ Vanilla veteran players who cleared all content up to and including 60 Naxx. We are casual friendly and are accepting all walks of life. We will put in the time to share the knowledge that we have and to help make you better players. We want nothing more than for everyone; new or seasoned…to have a great classic experience. Hope to see you in the guild so we can build upon our skills and get through all the content together.

Class Positions Available:

Warriors: ( 2 tanks / 4 dps )
Rogues: ( 6 )
Mages: ( 6 )
Priests: ( 2 healer / 1 shadow )
Warlocks: ( 4 )
Hunters ( 3 )
Druid ( 3 healers )
Shaman ( 1 healer )


Will be using loot council to gear people in a way that will benefit the core raid group best. There will be no favouritism. We want everyone to feel equal and rewarded for their attendance and to help the guild progress.

Feel free to contact me with the options below if you have any questions.

DISCORD: discord.gg/EZU83Qq

( Join the approval text chat and leave your information such as Class, Spec, and Raid Experience. We will get back to you shortly. Or you can message us directly by using the options below).

MY DISCORD ID: Billbucks #0171
MY BATTLENET: BillBucks #1552
Assistant Guild Recruitment Officer Discord ID: Zoomkill #0927

Do we have to sign a contract upon affiliating with this guild stating we won’t deviate from our proposed role or jump around on too many alts?

What assurances do I have that this loot council is legitimate, and not subject to grand manipulation by admin ninjitsu?

What’s the guilds developmental trajectory; do you have a roadmap for tracking group progress, and where you want people to be by X-time, and Y-content drop?

There are no contracts, and we don’t mind if you jump around from alt to alt, we understand that just because you might like a class in retail doesn’t mean you will enjoy it in classic. As long as their are raid slots available for your current class and spec then there is going to be a need for what ever role you are playing.

Still need r sham?

we are at currently 27 members looking for 30 to 40 at release to make about 8 teams for leveling if possible on day 1. someone will be around just join and leave your information.

Too be sure, how will you control for the ridiculousness and stupidity arising out of the inevitable raid or battlegrounds rage-drama?

That’s reassuring, in a lot of games people get stuck flexing a role due to the needs of the group as opposed to the wants of the individual.

As the core group expands due to demand for higher player count instances, how will you coordinate the larger group amiss denoting into smaller units in real time raids?