Twisted Dreaming Essence not dropping?

Trying to obtain this item to start the quest, but after 4 kills of Gnarlroot, its not dropping. Is this supposed to have a 100% drop rate or is it something I just need to grind for. While back i abandoned a bunch of raid quests. Not sure if this was one if them. If it was, would that make it impossible to re-pick up?

Blizzard cannot comment on droprates, however at WoWhead I see that it has a 11%ish droprate.

Nevermind. Im an idiot. Im already 2 quests into the chain and i had no idea.

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In this case for the head enchant questline, it is 100% on an unsaved kill if you are not already on the questline and have not completed the questline.

If you’re killing the boss while unsaved and not getting it, more than likely you already have it or are on the quest.

run /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(78355)) in game, if false you have yet to do the drop quest, if true you got the drop already and turned it in, and apparently abandoned it later.