Twisted Chanter's Staff

Twisted Chanter’s Staff dropped in from a mob in Stockades for my Paladin. I’ve posted it three times now in the AH for 25g, 22g, and then for 18g. It hasn’t sold. I know that spirit is the most important stat for the build I’m using on my Priest, but it still would be an upgrade. Do you think I should just use it on this Priest.

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Yes. Any blues that can drop from stocks have taken a nose dive in value since it is the prime boosting dungeon for lvl 15-30.

Why not make your experience more enjoyable by gearing up a lower level toon?

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Yeah, I think I might just do that.

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best lvl 19 twink staff, I would sell it tbh

Hold out until illusionary rod from SM

I already equipped it. If the item sold for a decent amount I would have. I’ve seen people post it for around 13g and it wasn’t selling. It’s not just blue BoE that aren’t selling. Low to mid level green items that were selling for a good bit are now just vendor trash or selling for a faction of what they were selling for a month or two ago.

It is a symptom of the flood of excess items from over-farming and boosting of instances.

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The era of gearing up new twinks is kind of mostly in the past. Really hard to sell these items now unless you want to post it everyday for possibly months straight depending on your server.

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