Twinsight is a game changer for Oracle

This talent is amazing because you can spot heal and AOE heal at the same time, and it effectively packs the power of several other talents (such as Harsh Discipline) into itself by building up Weal and Woe stacks easily. I’m regularly shielding people for anywhere from 50% to 120% of their HP after a single Penance via Weal and Woe stacks. On myself, I’m regularly critting for 8-10 million hp shields (I’m running a crit/haste build). In Delves doing +8s, I am practically immortal.

Also: Shadow Covenant + Twinsight + Power of the Dark Side makes Penance ridiculously strong, including in AOE healing. In M+, with the build I’m running, I’m getting the best of both worlds: crazy good AOE healing and crazy good single-target/spot healing.

Also DA. DA is frequently 3rd on my healing done for oracle disc.

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Yup, I’ve been playing Oracle disc now that I’m actually doing my own key.

It’s a lot of fun. Still doesn’t do anywhere near the damage of voidweaver, but the healing is definitely there this time. It doesn’t feel like you really can fall behind on healing at all. I quite often have pretty much all the DPS shielded for most their health bar whenever I want them to.

I’m considering running it in raid and playing nothing like the regular ramp style, lol. I tried it on one fight last night and it was doing a lot of healing. So I wanna try and get a real raid log on it.

I was over the moon when I first saw Twinsight on PTR. I’m one the few disc priests that raided as oracle with Divine Aegis and Contrition. I was able to pull my weight before but now it’s just chef’s kiss

Not everything is perfect. Some of our talents are still really lame (I’m looking at you Sanctuary), and Shadow Word: Pain and all of the way-too-many talents revolving around it continue to be enormously underwhelming.

I also do absolutely miss the cooldown reduction on Ultimate Penance. I’d really like at the very least for Blizzard to lower its cooldown to compensate. Getting to ult pen once and maybe twice a fight is a bummer.

Totally agree, love the amountnof options it has to deal with various situations.

Speaking of twinsight, what determines.the secondary target? Is it a smart heal?