I keep dying to Emperor Vek’nilash’s Uppercut, It will always one shots me. 7-8k ish dmg every time.
I have looked into the mechanic and all I can find is that it goes out periodically, knocking a random melee damager dealer nearby backwards. And only should be hitting 1-2k.
The tank is always on top of threat. I make sure the tank is also the closest to the boss for the teleport swaps and during dps phase. But I have been trying things.
I try to be with the melee group and the furthest one from the boss, dead.
I try to be in the middle of the melee group, dead.
I try and be the front of the melee group, dead.
I always seem to be the only melee dps to be dying and or targeted by this. I feel like there is something I’m missing. I just don’t know what it is.
Help, thanks.