There isn’t anything wrong with people taking action against it. It’s just forum trolls trying to misdirect the point of the thread. Usually the same people who pretend like certain issues do not happen to try getting a rise out of people.
Claims people doing double the damage of the ‘average’ leveler are twinks!
People post screenshots of non-twinks doing this and then some.
New claim, people doing QUADRUPLE the damage of the ‘average’ leveler are twinks!
Report them as you see them, I’ve reported a 119 Priest a few times ( not at the NPC, just saw them in randoms ). Sitting at the NPC waiting for people is just a new level of special though.
http s://
I’m sorry, but everyone saying that a non-twink can pull the same numbers as a twink is just trolling this thread. In a 110 battleground, where a player maybe just came back from a break, sure…they’ve got the gear from pre-BfA…but we’re not talking about that.
We’re talking about players in 111-119 bracket, doing ridiculous amounts of damage. Proof or not, anyone with common sense can agree they are twinks. Nobody with even above-average gear at these levels is doing the same damage.
Don’t try to play devil’s advocate as if this is court, and everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Let Blizzard deal with that, they’ve got the info.
Yea, that is a bit much. Although honestly, I’m happy people are doing it. The kind of person that would exploit this cheat to take advantage of average players, is the kind of person I don’t like. I love justice, and I’d love if each of them were banned for a few days at least. Recent generations of individuals are just terrible people, lol.
Good lord, no one is denying they’re twinks. The issue is calling out players for exploiting without proof.
A SS isn’t proof. Doing double damage isn’t proof they’re exploiting.
The proof someone is exploiting is only available to Blizzard.
No, that isn’t “the” issue. That’s “your” issue.
Being a desperate “I want to appear good at this game” person is not an uncommon practice. Your problem is that you think you’re being painted with the same brush and you’re not. The only reason to even get upset about this is if you are in fact, one of the people doing this.
If you read, I said that.
Well said.
There you have it, the accusation was finally made.
When your argument is destroyed, make unfounded claims.
And nobody did that either. These angry tinfoil hat replies are getting more awkward by the day.
Are you sure that’s the proper use of ‘tinfoil hat’??? Because to me, it would make much more sense if the tinfoil hat were on the other side.
While I agree that there are people who (not just this topic) make paranoid claims, that’s exactly what he just did. People get too defensive about this subject. You can enjoy doing something and not be just like several others who enjoy it but take it to a different level.
I have friends who engage in this playstyle. Not every person who engages is an exploiter but many are doing it. Now, to be fair, maybe the title could have been “XP on exploiters still a huge problem.” Maybe that would prevent some people from getting so angry over nothing, thinking they’re speaking about the entire community?
I can assure you that being a sole twink in a BG with a bunch of mindless teammates is a loss… doesn’t matter if I am a twink or not. yeah I will do a lot of damage and get kills. but 1v9 isnt gonna work.
Yall act like just because I am a twink im an automatic god… It literaally takes 2-3 people on me to kill me if I have no healer.
2 on me if I have no CDs… Just kill them. interrupt. CC… .idk what else to tell you. We do damage and have HP, but dont have much defensive compared to a normal leveler. But when people get mad at me because I 1v3 them and they never stun me once… then I have ZERO respect or acknowledgement of it because it isn’t a twink issue, its a bad player issue.
And then everyone here gets on my case for doing just that…
Which is it? You want proof, you want me to report. How else to i get proof other than to hop out of the BG where there is a twink and then go to SW and see them at the XP eliminator NPC. So I get proof, and report them. Now that is called stalking. Get your story straight.
And I was on the forums before 8.1.5 just to get try to get twinks out of my BG’s. Yes it bothers me that much.
Here is what I see on Bonechewer (Alliance) in the evening time PST. My guess is that people wait around in SW until the queue pops then fly over to the eliminator when it does to take advantage of the exploit. The queues are not instant, they take 5-10min, but while waiting for the queue to pop you do not need to be in the room…
Many from he same guild even, all x9 level toons and after multiple BG’s not levelling.
I just go there after a BG where there is a twink just to get proof. The toon I made was to report a twink after being in multiple games with them that after having multiple games against the same twink.
Now it just sits there in SW and many of the twinks i come across are from that realm and most from the same guild, so i just log in and see the twinks there from my BG and report them.
I am tired of the twinks cheating and stalking me in my BG’s actually.
All theses toons cheating and ruining BG’s for others and I am the in wrong for reporting them…seriously.
I don’t see how having 80k hp in the 111-119 bracket, and 25k hits, is a ‘bad player’ issue when you don’t die. Even if they aren’t stunning you or playing well, you’d die to 3 people if you weren’t twinked out.
And also, that’s bull about not winning BGs when you’re a twink. If your team isn’t winning, then YOU are bad as the twink, because you can very easily control the outcome of the game when you can 1-2 shot most of the enemy players. Doesn’t matter if it’s CTF, Kotmogu, node control…you can single-handedly change the outcome (unless you’re running into 5 enemies by yourself?) if you put yourself in the right places.
I commend you for that. I despise twinking and cheating (xp exploit), and I’m happy when people are actively reporting these ‘cheaters’.
This is the most ridiculous argument ever.
The bad players are the ones who rely on an exploit that gives them an unfair advantage over other players, not the other way around…
Maybe its because I dont play at 119… but at 59. I cant be a single person army. I might have 6.3k hp while levelers have around 5.2k and I can crit a 1.4k while they can crit 700. But I lose on my twinks too. shrug guess im just a bad twink
You are admitting to being in BG’s with non-thinks? Using the same exploit?
“iTs A bAd PlAyEr iSsUe”
It took you 5 years to break 2k in arena. You twink bc you’re bad at the game. Stop typing lmao. All twinks are sub 2200 players who twink to feel better about themselves. I don’t care about twinks or the issue, but I occasionally browse this forum and see mouthbreathers trying to justify bullying lesser geared players in low level bgs. You do so to feel better about your own skill level. You’re not outplaying anything by killing anything in a single stun. Quit being so insecure and improve your play at 120, so you don’t need to boost your self esteem on a twink.