Twinks ruin leveling. SERIOUSLY

I’m gonna assume this has to do with pvp and warmode

There’s an obvious solution to that


Heirlooms are not available over level 110 yet, so how does this even slightly relate to what I said? Also why are you leveling at that level via BGs and not getting faction rep via quests. Also you know who else wrecks undergeared people at 120? Every good geared person.


everytime i see a thread like this one i think its the… other… definition of twink

you are the perfect example of a twink. You cant cut it at max level so you twink and defend it fiercely just like all other twinks because when u put millions of gold into a bracket is the only time u actually compete at any decent level (if u consider being so geared u take 10-20% dmg while u kill ppl, competition) its been 5 years since your last achieve and the highest rating you ever achieved on your acct is 1550. LOL PURE AU

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I haven’t twinked in a decade+. You were wrong and are now lashing out. It seems all you do here is insult and spread misinformation.

Edit: Why are you even bring arena into a discussion about BG leveling and twinks? Oh because you don’t have an argument otherwise? Want to bring raiding into it as well?


Just queued for my first random BG since resubbing and ran into a twink immediately. He obliterated me, doing 3-4x as much damage as anyone else in the BG on either team, and it wasn’t fun or competitive. I can understand where people are coming from with this. It would be cool if people that like to actually level with random PvP could do so in a fun environment with like minded players.

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Your best rating is 1550 in 2’s.


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You are incorrect. A vocal minority of twinks asked to be separated. At no time did twinks get separated as “punishment” Blizzard most likely saw that they could kill two birds with one stone and gave in to this vocal minority and separated the queues.

At first we had enough to get games to pop but the queue system was borked and we hardly ever got pops even when we knew we had more than enough to get the games going. Interest was lost and most of us became rerollers. There was more whining then than when the true twinks populated the game. I’m sure there are some that could link the threads of said whining.

Wah wah wah wah wah someone played the game the way they like wahhh this lvl 59 killed me wah wah I also have the ability to make a twink character but instead I’ll whine wah wah wah I’m a big olde baby wah wah wah that’s all I get from this thread


They should put a power/gear/item level cap against players imo that would help things and maybe bring in the balance.

My useless level 29 Pandaren monk named Melania just got a new job…heirlooms, chants, gems, and buffs here I come because I dont like BfA.

This, I remember a Tauren Warriors destroying everything, loved PvP after that and this was way back in 09.

Twinks have always been part of this game, besides “leveling” bgs are not end game, so no, they are not destroying anything.

So…you don’t…want people…to be able…to wear…good…gear?

Twink is literally a low level game thing. It is crazy you want something destroyed that you will LITERALLY level passed in less then 3-5 days per your own post. You are also not forced to do pvp in this game.

Blizzard want some advice? Do not listen to this guy because when Trion listened to these guys in Rift it killed an entire section of the pvp playerbase who never came back.


are you choosing to level via random battlegrounds?
ps druid is the most op class in random battleground and even as a non twink you shouldnt have much of an issue.


People should be allowed to twink and wear good gear but be on almost the power level of elite mobs, No. When it takes 3-4 players to bring down one player there is a problem.

well i mean 4 level 51s in gear from level 48 should definetly be able to kill the level 59 in blues/purps…?

or 90% of their attacks should miss or be dodged because of the level difference.

It does not get any better when you get to max level. Better learn how to CC because healers are very hard to take down. Pallys who are more gear then me can run into the middle of a group of 10 and be very hard to take down. Also do not get me started on Demon Hunters who know how to play their class.


lol prot paladins are god mode tanks for defending flags…
at level cap it only gets worse…

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This is just a alt I play a warlock in the 111-119 bracket I have not many issues except for a few times with a few vastly geared players sporting 80k health.