Twinks ruin leveling. SERIOUSLY

Twinking is for honorless cowards and Blizzard should stop this ridiculous thing from happening again and again, I don’t need to twink to prove I’m good at pvp cause I’m not that kind of shameful coward person who needs to get over powered gear to win the battleground ruining the gaming experience for the rest of the participants, there’s not a big difference between twinking and killing lowbies, and those who do it, deserve no respect as pvp players at all

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I’ve leveled tons of alts throughout this expansion, and I still don’t understand this constant complaining about twinks. I constantly run BGs at low levels, and the win rate is very close to 50%. If you really feel underpowered compared to some twinks, just put some enchants on your heirlooms. If you’re somewhat competent, you’ll be able to hold your own against one then.

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  1. No one who twinks claims it’s a measure of how good they are at PvP.

  2. You’ve got nothing to prove anyway.

When you can’t even manage to get a single rated battleground or arena win you really shouldn’t go around judging other players’ skill.

Because until recently they were pushing a get rid of turning off xp feature for certain levels. Easy way to do that is to make it a wedge issue. Make them play with everyone else, people start calling for the end of XP off (a solution to end twinks for good) and viola! They solve both problems: they couldn’t get rid of the turning off xp before, and now they can…and they “solve” the twinking issue they created in bgs.

Gear is normalized at lower levels, where have you been?

Again, gearing at lower levels is balanced as it has ever been. In fact, other than a few pieces which has recently been nerfed or in the spotlight of being nerfed, I would challenge you to present these wide discrepancies here for us to debate.

I think you miss understand what I’m talking. I’m talking about gear literally being provided stats that are balanced across. Yes the gear is normalized a bit but quality still impacts the game play. This is why a twink can one shot someone who has not ground out the same quality of gear as the twink. Gear should not matter at lower levels, but clearly it does.

If it takes you 3-5 days played to get to max level, you’re doing something wrong.

Yes, even for a new player. Back in my day it was easy for a new player to have difficulties finding out what content they should be doing, what zones they should head to next, nowadays you can stay in the same zone all day without issue.

You’re fired.

Level’d from 1-61 ( as of tonight ) with enchanted BoAs, nowhere near “BiS” for any bracket and I’ve yet to be one shot. Or two shot. Or three shot. I have outplayed twinks in varying brackets and I think my winrate is probably right around 50% at the moment. The brackets are fine, people are just bad at this game and like to blame it on X or Y.


And twinks don’t want of course?

nice when wrongs are righted! am i right? 8) how are your brackets now?

Nnnnnnnnneeeeecccrooooooooooo mannnnnnnnnnn!!! Able to necro a thread in a single forum search!