Twinks = no new battleground growth. Ever

/gasp you actually used logic. It’s funny because most of these people would still get destroyed no matter what

How will one party benefit and not the next?

Scaling is not a fix all. It helps a bit, but there are still gaps like there was back in vanilla. If you compare someone who is just leveling with heirlooms at 59, and someone who has fully twinked themselves out, the power discrepancy is pretty big. To the point where unless you have significant help, you will not be able to outplay them. Especially if they can just two shot you like in some brackets.

Listen, if people want to twink themselves out, go for it. but it will drive people out of pvp. There is no point for me to go into BG’s and get two shot. I’ll just do dungeons and quests. It’s a better use of my time. And with end game pvp the way it is, I would imagine Blizz would want to encourage more people to participate, not less. Twinks certainly do not encourage more people to play.


When was this never a possibility in this game?
It can happen, within any bracket 10-120.

Globaled. It happens.

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Arcane does not do that well later on. Not a load of them in bgs at 120. More fire.

Jugajr do you play low level bgs in normal leveling gear?

I’m not Juga but I do low lvl bgs with just boas and quest/dg gear on all the time. When I level alts or other twinks I do most of my leveling in PvP. Even with just boas on I’ve killed a few twinks, sure it’s not easy or even possible in every bracket, but it can be done. For the most part they stomp me though, of course, they should, they outgear me. In this game the one with the better gear has an advantage, that is the way the game has always worked. If you’re so sensitive that you come cry on the forums every time a stronger geared players kills you then perhaps PvP just isn’t for you, that’s fine it’s not for everyone.

Then it sounds like you’re just not cut out for PvP.

You have to have the right mentality to enjoy PvP in this game, Bajheera talked about it a while back on stream, he called it the “killer instinct”. When you lose to another player, which will happen regardless of your skill/gear level, there are two distinct ways to respond. Either feel bad and blame the loss on their gear was OP, their class was OP, your class is UP, they’re a twink, etc… or look at them and think “i want to get that skilled/geared so I can come back and beat them” and then look at your talents/gear/gameplay and improve it. If you’re a player who falls in the first camp you will never last long in PvP no matter what kind of systems Blizz puts in place, and if you are the type to be motivated by a loss then twinking wouldn’t dissuade you anyway.

If you are a player with that “killer instinct”, to borrow Bajheera’s concept, then you will look up a twink and realize their gear is insane and then shrug and say “ok thats a fight I’m just not gonna win” and then que up again and get out of that bracket (as I myself have done many many times while leveling) or you go make a twink of your own to come back and beat them with. You don’t just give up on PvP. The person who does give up on PvP because of this will inevitably find a reason to give up on it regardless. Even if they put twinks in their own bracket, as you seem to want, that player who gets discouraged and quits over twinks will give up the first time they lose to a more skilled opponent, or face a perfectly executed counter comp in arenas, or get’s ganked by a rogue in the world, etc. There is always going to be moments in PvP where you lose and it feels unfair and one-sided. It just comes down to how one responds at that point.


I am currently leveling up my dwarf warlock strictly through bgs and even with leveling gear on, I can still hold my own. I don’t see what the fuss is all about.


most of the people in these threads fall in the first category. funny thing is you can destroy someone just as fast at max lvl too I have done it on my 120 and seen several others do it as well. Leveling is fine



I have a few top level toons I pvp with, the main one is a mage. I usually enjoy frost more but I’ve been playing fire these last few months due to how good it was prior to masterblaster nerf, and let me say as someone with a few twinks, I deleted people much much faster on my 120 mage (who isn’t even that geared - 370 ilvl) than any twink. Like it’s not even close, the mage actually killed people in one second, from 100-0, even on my BiS twinks, with zerkerbuff, saltwater potions and full cooldowns popped it takes a few globals to kill someone.

Yeah Fire mage/ret/druid/warrior/rogue/lock I have seen almost every class spec in the game do it its literally no different at max level


Yeah thats why I am at 214 honor and have the Bloodthirsty title etc…

Get into the next bracket to a new set of twinks for that bracket.

Juga a warlock at that level I can swat like a fly.

Who are you swatting at ilvl 300@120?
You trinket, you turtle, about to get clapped up son. :rofl:

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Lol I’m speaking about my low level characters. And this is not my main. :rofl:

These guys are coming out of the woodwork looking for free stuff.


The XPOFF community is still active?

I see a lot of threads about twinks - for and against - and TBH I find myself feeling generally apathetic on the subject only because I don’t plan to seriously level any toons from scratch. The time investment just isn’t worth it, for me. That said, I have a feeling if I were interested in sub-100 leveling I’d feel as much frustration with twinks as normal people.