Twinks Must be fixed

How hard can it be to follow the decisions and reasonings that a much more competent original wotlk team already made over 10 years ago?

It was proven back then, that the change to separate queues acutally increased the activity, as the original team predicted. Therefore the whole reasoning of the classic team, that the activity will drop, is already proven to be wrong. Its proven incompetence. One more change they did to make the game less active and appealing for new players by making custom/unauthentic game changes.

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Yeah, I tend to agree with 2009 Blizzard’s attitude toward twinks. I looked around a bit and found this:

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the relevant Blue post from back then. They basically said if the Twink queue times are high…guess not that many people actually want to Twink.


This… this is how I feel. Please follow suit with what decisions the original team made if those decisions garnered the desired results which this one did… im just… so confused.

People do low level BG’s for xp, you still get xp if you lose or get bodied 20 times by someone who poured 10k gold into their lvl 19 rogue, it literally doesn’t matter.
Just run tangentially towards the objective and hit some enemies while watching a movie.


they feel entitled to being able to bypass gearing in a gear based game. doesnt matter what level it is, gear trumps all. The fact they get xp regardless of their gear is already more than enough of a reward

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But what is pvp about? Is it about getting experience points? Or is it about fighting other players? On max level, players playing battlegrounds gear up and will eventually be equally as strong as others, being able to fight on equal grounds. In the low bracket, there will never be a point, that a levels power level is comparable to that of a pvp twink. Levels will never have a chance to fight back.

As a result most players, who would enjoy actually pvping, meaning having meaningful, winnable fights in low level battlegrounds, just dont play these at all. This results in much lower battleground activity below max level and less new players getting into pvp.

Its simple to understand that, while twinkers are more motivated to play by feeling superior, the overall pvp activity drops significanlty, compared to separated queues.

Per the rewards in leveling BGs, you can do a BG for experience points and/or honor points. Those are the rewards for participating in low level BG’s. Per the ruleset of the game, there are no restrictions on the gear you can bring into these BG’s.

Cause its a time investment. The appeal of twinking is less about stomping players and more about seeing how far you can push a character’s gear progression at a given level, at least thats how I see it.

If Blizzard really decides to change anything, they should make it so it prioritizes not grouping non-twinks and twinks together, but if it is necessary to fill a BG, it’ll do it, similar to how it groups premades and non-premades at max level currently. I do believe Blizzard is correct in saying that forcing them to be separate will only hurt queue times (and make AV outside of the weekend impossible to do), and people will lose interest in PVPing for XP due to the lengthier queues (5 losses an hour would still be more xp than 1 win per hour).

There was a ruleset introduced in 3.2.0, and Ill try to explain it with an anecdote.

Imagine there was a socker tournament, were many 10 and few 20 year olds came to play.

Old Blizzard, hosting the tournament, saw there was a problem in fairness and made a rule, that made 10 year olds only play against 10 year olds and 20 year olds against 20 year olds. They said its necessary, that 10 year olds dont get discouraged and results showed, that the overall activity increased significantly.

Now Classic Blizzard hosts the same socker tournament 14 years later but says its better to let the 10 year old play against the 20 year olds, because the additional players are needed. They do not even lose a thought that 10 year olds might stop playing.

Of course you can argue rules are rules, but the rules got changed compared to the original 3.2.0+ rules. Now we have an unauthentic experience that has a positive impact on a small audience, while it has a negative impact on a big audience.

We aren’t playing 3.2.0. We’re playing 3.4. In 3.4 you can seal your experience and queue with everyone else. That’s all that matters.

What kind of reasoning it that? If you say its ok that its different, because its a different patch and has nothing to do with the original, we could add anything, any rule or maybe even new custom classes to the game and say its because its a new, never seen patch. It works with literally anything. Therefore the reasoning is worthless.

Wotlk classic should not be about anarchy of rules and custom changes, it should be about recreating an experience that is close to the original.

If you think otherwise, its fine, but at least you should try to find reasonable arguments if you state your opinion.

The only rationale I need is that blizzard’s current ruleset allows for this type of gameplay, therefore it is permissible.

Just because Classic Blizzard made a custom rule compared to the original game, does not mean its good or reasonable. There is nothing rational about it. Its just a custom change, thats proven to be bad for the majority of potential low level pvpers.

If you say you love doping in sports, because its now allowed due to custom rules, thats fine. However, the old ruleset, that made doping illegal, has been there for good reasons. The reasoning that doping is good because its legal now is not an argument in itself.

I’m not arguing with you bro. I’m telling you I steamroll levelers because blizz allows it.

Between levels 10 and 79 the #1 motivation for players to even click the pvp ui is to queue bg’s for xp. Especially true for AV and AB, but people do WSG for xp too on lower levels.
It doesn’t matter if you win, lose, have fun or not because you’re doing something else in the meantime and contribute just enough to not get flagged for botting or afking.
Why? It’s the quickest and least annoying way to level, as you can watch movies or read something while your character levels itself.

Thats true right now. With the separation of queues the #1 motivation would be having fun and getting exp would be #2 cherry on top.

So people want to join bgs so they can half afk while watching a movie while they gain experience?
That’s what the non-twinks want it seems. A safe space they can just wander around a map, barely paying attention and collect experience.
And they get upset about getting destroyed by twinks lol.

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If you have the correct mindset getting destroyed or not is irrelevant, you’re there for xp not to pvp at all.
It’s people who think sub-80 pvp matters or whatever who get upset.

ok so a lot of the non-twinks are fine with just wandering around the map aimlessly, not caring if they die or not? So we can confirm twinks in bgs with the non-twinks don’t matter. Got it

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Of course they don’t, just like low lvl pvp doesn’t matter and contributes nothing to the actual game.