Twinks are playing a different game

Yes, they did. And I was there; I saw the complaints about the implementation. I also saw that twinks did nothing years afterward except complain about how things had changed.

Non-twinks don’t need to choose between leveling outside of BGs and not doing BGs. Twinks have no business being put in with non-twinks.


Funny you say this. I tried it once to see how honest that statement was. I joined up with one of the most popular and vocal twink groups who were very vocal and adamant that they only wanted to fight themselves. When I saw that they avoided each other on the play field, I asked. The leader said “you actually believed that? Don’t be naive.” shrug


My evidence is twinks’ behavior – their actions and lack of action – past and present.

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The same was said by all the twinks I knew, all the twinks I talked to, and the twink guild encouraging me to get my twink better gear.

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The funny thing about “evidence” is that very VERY few people who ask for it actually understand how it works or really want it. They ask for it for the wrong things. I’m not insulting anyone, so I’m not here for kicks.

I ate lemon poppyseed muffins this morning. I didn’t take a picture of me eating them. That doesn’t mean “therefore, I had no breakfast “.


Unfortunately you like many others don’t actually know what happened. But say they do.

Dec 21, '18

Twinks ruin leveling. SERIOUSLY

Bestdrood: why?? because they were actually in good matches with people of similar gear, so they stopped queueing…

Low hanging fruit, this is just not true, specifically your point getting paired with other twinks. The real numbers that actually mattered weren’t there to support these games CONSISENTLY which is what caused the die off. Today’s infrastructure was not in play back then. There were no “Communities” like we have now. Everything was guilds and battlegroup based. There was no Mercenary mode either. Everything had to line up perfectly for just one game to even happen, when 10 Alliance and 10 Horde queued at the same exact time on the same exact Battlegroup. Most brackets at the time, even the ones that had a lot of twinks in them (the lower level ones) barely scrapped together games CONSISENTLY, which is the key term here. You can’t survive long term if games only come together once a week, once a month at best, trying to schedule a pre-made around everyone’s schedules. It wasn’t realistically going to work.


No, they didn’t. I could still take my fully geared twink into the same battlegrounds as levelers. The only difference was one gained XP. The other did not.

You’ve put the most negative stereotype on twinks, but the reality is that is only opinion. I was a very active part of the separation and it irritates the hell out of me to see people reduce it to “guess they didn’t want to fight twinks after all”.

Again, make your choice and prepare. Stop thinking levelers deserve preferential treatment in PvP when their priority is leveling.


They do deserve it. Why is this complicated?


Twinks put in more time? Or Auction House :slight_smile:


Why should people who have turned off their xp be allowed to play with people who are leveling?


Really? Do I need to go pull up the threads where you were called out specifically for not being able to produce real evidence to your litany of false claims?

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Why shouldn’t they? They don’t separate them in dungeons or open world questing.

Players below max level have one way to pvp. How many ways to level?


Dungeons/questing aren’t PvP. That’s a really bad comparison.

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How so? It’s still players doing the same activity, but not gaining the same experience.


Someone doesn’t turn Warmode on :wink:


Let me explain clearly.

Battlegrounds pit players AGAINST each-other. Dungeons make players team-up to fight against NPCs. Questing is largely done solo, and can be done entirely without interacting with another player at all.

None of those are comparable, as they are entirely different activities.

I chain-run dungeons and BGs to level, but warmode is on from 20? (I can’t remember when it’s unlocked) and forward. Not a lot of PvP happens anyway, most people I’ve seen just run by.

…outside of Darkshire or Redridge. Those places are warzones.


I just wonder if the group that is anti twinks were anti templates in Legion. I could care less since if I was going to level a new toon I would just boost and be done with it but just curious.

I liked templates while leveling, but not at max.

Templates had their fair share of issues though.

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Yeah no kidding, anyone remember low lvl surv hunters?

LUL I remember leveling a surv hunter alt back in legion, could 1v3 in bgs and single handedly win arena skirms. Was crazy OP. As someone with a few BiS twinks right now, surv hunter back in Legion was every bit as strong as twinks are right now. And I didn’t even have to grind out gear to two-shot people on my hunter, the class was just straight up broken low lvl.


Quoted for truth.
Blizzard understands how archaic this was, hence the changes that were made pre Legion. The decade old system was in much better hands as technology has evolved throughout the years.
There is no need for separation when any item in WoW can be changed on the fly within BFA.
Great attention has been made in regards to balancing the lower brackets for BFA. On the current PTR Blizzard has solidified this pattern with a HUGE re tuning move to many items which solely affect the lower levels.
The attention is clearly present, and the aim is clearly in the direction of balancing this area of our game.
It is 2019, we now have options which will not effect or disrupt any form of community or population. :wink: