Twinks are out of xp on bracket it seems

20’s is likely to have the most activity right now, so I’m gonna try there. 40’s was a bust.

Getting an average wait time of 13min on my 27. Left queue, turned XP off, immediately no average wait time.

EDIT: I’ve hit the average wait time.

XP on at 19, average wait is 35 min.

Very Interesting! I wonder… has it really? Could it be true? Tw twinks and 119 alliance, get 10 people on and see if you get a queue pop for 119 and if all players turn out to be twinks. :thinking:

I saw two players in a WSG in TW Twinks. Probably via war games. Horde side.

Yea. Was that just now?

15 or so mins ago.

Ah. Ok. So the separation is not back. :scream: :ok_hand:

119 is too good right now. Hate to see it strained by a separation.

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idk, queues just seem weird atm. I got into a game in 30-39 within 8 minutes with xp on. Then tried with xp off and couldn’t even get a timer. Queue back with xp on, I get a timer but it’s been over 20 minutes and no match yet.

I think this is a patch issue, not a separation issue.

I hope so. I really enjoy the bracket because it’s easy to get into, requires some effort but not an extreme amount, and is very active. I don’t have to spend months slogging away at what is effectively an endless gear grind to remain competitive…Once for the expansion and I can sit back and just enjoy casual BGing.

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20 minutes so far into 20’s queue with XP off.

If it isn’t a separation they must have broken something. Happy patch day, I suppose.

Wouldn’t be a patch without a lot of issues. Will give it a few days then we will have our answer

I kept up with gear until this most recent raid and only started playing twinks. Now i have to cap my M+ arena and raid every single week again. Really not looking forward to doing it every tier.

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This is why I don’t play end-game anymore.

Yeah all I really enjoy in this game are battlegrounds. If I need to dedicate 10 hours a week just to do that im not sure its worth it.

From everything I’ve read and talked with friends across a few brackets, it seems as though they have been separated… “XPoff BGs might be back. 19s tried to q wsg specific after sitting q’s for multiple hours and they only got 19 twinks in the wsg pop after a few mins” - Xpoff

They were able to get enough people online to test 10v10 WSG and they got a Q pop with all twinks for WSG.

RIP BFA twinks, see you all later.

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I like that I have…Five, maybe six characters I can hop on at any moment and be ready to go for casual BGing. I don’t really like grouping up anymore because it gives my team too much advantage unless the other team happens to also have a twink squad.

I like just going in and having a slight advantage…I’m not really sure how this kind of PvP differs from a group of 400 ilevel mythic players curb-stomping a bunch of people who are still in quest gear or even early mythic gear, though.

If this is true, I am also not bothering with BGs anymore.

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Oh well. There goes my subscription.


I think we should wait for some kind of confirmation, still entirely possible that this isn’t intended. Game is made of spaghetti after all.

Also, 33 minutes into the 20’s queue. Average was 13 minutes before turning XP off.

EDIT: Forgot to update this. I got to 1h in the queue before I gave up. 27 with XP off in the 20’s queue. Looking like separation happened, bug or no.