Twinks are now just leaving BGs early

Of what? Personal enjoyment isn’t something I can screenshot.

Knowing you, even if I could screenshot it, you would ignore it anyway.

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Some of these close, enjoyable matches.


That’s a nice strawman.

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We have been still hearing the age old defense mechanisms related to losing Battlegounds.

“Oh, Grey it is Twinks, Oh Grey they have more Healers, Oh Grey they have more FOTM class/spec, Oh Grey it’s a Premade, Oh Grey it’s that Server again, Oh Grey it is that Guild etc.”

The same defense mechanisms are still being used, as usual. :thinking:


That’s what we heard all these months. Twinks throw off the games. So lets see some of these close matches

You got any of that straw left over? Winter is gonna do its last hurrah soon and I might need it to keep warm.

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Another easy game.

So in other words, twinks being gone change nothing but you die less?


I guess that’s a no then? Since you just keep building more strawmen.

It’s pretty disingenuous and downright scummy to misrepresent people like you’re doing.

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Just trying to get to the bottom of what exactly changed.

I did a bg on my mw and the game was fun.

Can’t say that about 111-119 bgs prior to twinks being kicked out.

Twinks got put back where they belong. Come on now, keep up. This happened a bit ago.

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Think we established 119s/19s/29s were the problem, not all the levels between

Yes and how exactly did it change your bgs?

There’s no more twinks in them.

Is this just point out the obvious time?

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But if games aren’t as close, which they really haven’t been, then what changed?


…twinks were put back into their own pen.

How are you not getting this?

This is the Juga I don’t respect. The one that tries to talk circles around people. It’s very boring.


I don’t need your respect.


It’s very disappointing. They’ve been like this since the separation, like a haze of anger.

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Well it’s good they dropped the twinks, because it’s good now.

Much fun, very wow, no twinks.