Twinks, AI and Separate XPoff Queues

Unable to provide some information to solidify this bold comment for the good people?

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I quoted this because it appears that you missed it. You’re welcome!

In the unlikely even that this is confusing. Imagine Larry the Liar asking Honest Abe for proof. It’s kind of like that.

The truth collides with falsehoods! nothing like documented information to solidify the debate.

Have a great day!

Thats what PvP is my guy. In order for someone to win, someone has to lose. Don’t act like twinks don’t lose matches too.

It goes against their narrative. In order for them to acknowledge it they have to put themselves in that view and see it from that side. Many of us have been posting ideas on how to improve things without requiring a separation of the playerbase. These people won’t accept anything other than separation, which again doesn’t fix the underlying problem. They’re irrational.


How about those PTR adjustments though!
It is almost like Blizzard is completely aware on what/how to adjust within our lower brackets. :wink:


It gave everyone EXACTLY what they wanted. How is that irrational? It’s a win/win situation for EVERYBODY. You don’t have to worry about long queue times since you always claimed queues were popping left/right when separation occurred. You don’t have to worry about levelers ruining your BGs by doing NVA things like taking objectives. You can focus on your middle/GY battles to your hearts content! Sounds like paradise to me!

Show us something that says otherwise about your characters.
You want to sit there and make generalizations about these players/playstyles, that must mean you are stacked with something they do not have.

Something just does not add up here.

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Greyhide, you refuse to accept that yes some brackets did die and those players were without matches. Many of us struggled to keep 60-69 going as level 69 twinks. Having to schedule nights where enough people were around that could queue was more work than anyone should be required to do. Not only that, but patch 3.2.2 in particular killed us because of a bug that wouldn’t pop a match even though we had 10 players on both sides. This isn’t even the fault of a twink.

I will acknowledge that 19s, 29s (well, 20-24 at first), and 70s were able to get games pretty regularly (albeit with long queues) because I was in those queues myself. However, there are more brackets than just those. Right now in particular I’m loving 80-89 because of how well balanced it is (and the fact that I love Deathbringer’s Will :grin: )

To be frank, this sounds like someone I’d like to have on my team. I really couldn’t care less whether their experience is turned on or off. If they’re taking objectives they add value to the team.


Strange, twinks were claiming all brackets were popping left/right in response to others saying “twinking is dead.” :man_shrugging:

Sounds like maybe you belong in the 120 bracket?

No, you’re not remembering it right. I’d love to see when 50-59 popped during all of separation since the way I remember it, that one died similarly to the way we did.

I haven’t cared about end game since Wrath. Raiding falls in the category of tedius and boring to me. There’s so much more to do in the game anyway :slight_smile:

If that’s the case, I guess they can’t all be winners. Still plenty of others to choose from.

Correct. Professions, mount farming, achievement gathering, arenas, rated BGs, Timewalking, etc.

If activision (blizz is dead lets be honest) actually puts bots in bgs… im ending my subs.

the content and game has been terrible and I dont want PVE happening in my pvp. There is next to no wait time in queues.

The only thing they need to do is move servers… I do not care what my server name is. Ever since they added server groups the game is MUCH better because realms are POPULATED… but, its not enough, the game has been dying more and more, and with that, its about time they do another server squish and get us onto high pop realms with great economies and lots of people so the content is full and rich.

The game is about playing with people, not 1 vs AI, you can get that experience ANYWHERE.

The first thing any of the pro-twinks said to me came from you, and it was that I was secretly someone else.

Is the irony lost on you?

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twinks chase everyone else outta the brackets

yeah i’ve done it, it was fun because any non-twinks were literally of no consequence

however it got boring pretty fast and the most fun twink brackets were where the power delta was the smallest, where heirloom players could still make a difference

now heirlooms are average to sucky, which makes it even harder for regular players to compete

I definitely agree that xp-off MUST have its own q because its filled with twinks that destroy the low level brackets for other players


What? They’re all sitting at 100 or 110



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interesting. This clarifies a lot for me now.

Oh yea? Such as?

well its just confusing. But since you asked I will point it out. I asked earlier if you had any other characters, and you said no, just 3 120 locks and a low level lock, because you like locks. It confused me because of the achieve you have saying you raised 5 different classes to max level, which goes against what you said. So do you have any twinks in those other characters that you have? At this point though its hard to believe what you say being you where already caught in a lie.